Dynamite Thor (Fox universe)

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Dynamite Thor, civilian name Peter Thor, was a “failed” superhero who became a friend of Jenny Over-There in the 925th Universe.


Physical appearance

Thor was a muscular blond-haired man. As “Dynamite Thor”, he wore blue shorts lined with a belt of dynamite, a red shirt with an 8-pointed star symbol meant to depict an explosion, (PROSE: Open Sourcing) and a flowing yellow cape. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) By the time he'd been working for the M.F.S. for around a year, though his accent remained distinctly American, there was a hint of Welsh in the way he pronounced his “O”s. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Peter Thor's Day Off)


Dynamite Thor was highly motivated to do good and become a hero. However, he had difficulty thinking through the consequences of his actions, being blind to how destructive his explosion-based gimmick was and how inefficient he was at stopping crime. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There, Open Sourcing) He was asexual, something he only realised fairly late in life, having previously thought of himself as straight. Thereafter, he had a childlike enthusiasm for Pride and other displays of queerness, quickly bonding with Jenny Over-There over their shared orientation. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) He was not aromantic, however, and sincerely loved his girlfriend Glenda Sif, for which reason he was greatly distressed by the ways in which he believed his superheroic responsibilities required him to jeopardise their relationship. (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff)

Powers & abilities

For unknown reasons, Dynamite Thor was immune to explosions, allowing him to use controlled dynamite explosions to propel himself through the air. (PROSE: Open Sourcing) As a natural prerequisite, he was immune to fire in general, and the ability seemed to extend to his clothes. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)



According to the meta-aware Man in Grey, Thor had once been copyrighted, being “bound” to the “Fox universe”, (PROSE: Open Sourcing) where he dated wealthy heiress Glenda Sif. (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff) He once noted that he never travelled to Wales in his home universe. In his original universe, he was a wealthy man, owning and operating a mining company, (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) the Peter Thor Mining Company. However, his leadership was erratic, with Thor being prone to shirking his duty without warning, (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Peter Thor's Day Off) and he was ultimately ousted by his own shareholders, who had him declared mad for his destructive attempts to become a superhero using his resilience to explosions. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) In that job had a tendency to shirk

Moving universes

Eventually, he moved to the 925th Universe. (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff) There, he became familiar with Jenny Everywhere, Jenny Nowhere, Jenny Somewhere, and also Jenny Over-There and her Multidimensional Finders Service. On multiple occasions, he phoned the M.F.S. for help locating criminals that he could fight, although his question was too vague for Over-There to usually give her a useful answer. However, she was able to help him on one occasion when, shortly after one of his calls, she received a call from a robber who was in the middle of committing a bank robbery. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There)

As part of trying to become recognised as a proper superhero, he applied to numerous “justice societies” including the Super Besties. However, they all rejected his applications. (PROSE: Open Sourcing)

Joining the M.F.S.

He later tried to apply when the Multidimensional Finders Service opened up slots for new hires. Rejected on the basis that they exclusively wanted open-source applicants, he tried again later in the day by tossing a bomb at candidate Captain Omega, slowing him down as he stopped to defuse it, and then showed up to his appointment in his stead, claiming to be Captain Omega himself. Jenny and the Man in Grey immediately recognised him. Panicking, he threw what he thought was a “smoke grenade” to the floor, hoping to make a quick escape, but it was actually a real grenade — although no one was injured in the blast. Taking pity on the hapless hero after he apologised for this incident, Jenny ended up helping him get a new job as an intern at the M.F.S. office. (PROSE: Open Sourcing) Initially unbeknownst to Jenny, he took up residence there, sleeping in the office at night on a simple cot and pillow thrown on the ground. (PROSE: Workplace Reunion)

Pride Month 2022

At some point shortly before or shortly after this, he discovered that he was asexual. He became very excited when, with Pride Month approaching, the Man in Grey asked him to decorate the M.F.S. office fittingly. Finding the Man's stock of decorations less than enthusing, he and Jenny travelled into the town looking for better ones and found Professor Helvetius's Convenient Pride Decorations Shop, where they found a great number of flags and other decoration. When they brought them back to the office, however, they found the Man in Grey waiting for them, put in a very bad mood by his dismissal from the Interdimensional Pride Council over having tried to sell out to a number of unethical sponsors. He forbade Thor and Jenny from decorating the office at all, greatly distressing Thor.

Seeing how much his first official Pride Month meant to her new friend, Jenny suggested that they use the stock of decorations to throw their own party, which they spent a week planning, using Helvetius's interdimensional, bigger-on-the-inside shop as a venue. The party lived up to his hopes and he had a great time, dancing wildly and socialising with other superheroes present, such as the Red Hot Roach, Supertrans, and the Invisible Pink Unicorn. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events)

Later events

When Jenny Nowhere appeared in the M.F.S. office, Jenny Over-There called for Thor to get the teleportation ray, but before he could get it to her, Nowhere shifted out, taking Over-There with her. (PROSE: Family Business) When she reappeared twelve hours later, having been shifted back by Jenny Everywhere after Nowhere's scheme was foiled, Over-Thered almost literally tripped over Thor, thus discovering that he slept in the office. Thor was distressed to learn that she had been kidnapped and then rescued without him getting the chance to help; he insisted on giving Jenny one of his “Thor Signallers” (extra-loud grenades) to summon him if she ever found herself in a damsel-in-distress situation again. (PROSE: Workplace Reunion)

Christmas 2022

For Christmas 2022, he gave away most of his stocked sticks of dynamite to his friends, one apiece, but wanted to do something special for his girlfriend Glenda and flew to America to get her a collectible from the Dibbsy Store. As the scramble for exclusive items turned into an outright “minor war”, he ended up fighting a random man for the last Dibbsy Toaster and knocked him out. After the building caught on fire as a side-effect of the chaos, Thor made his way out without paying because no one was manning the cash register anymore, reasoning that it was probably fine given the ongoing fire. He also carried the unconscious man he'd taken the Toaster from to safety, feeling it was only fair. In the end, he made his way clear of the Store before Lady Satan arrived to put an end to the chaos, and, after putting the man down, phoned Jenny Over-There on her personal mobile to ask her for Glenda's current address, which she readily gave him. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)

Valentine's Day 2023

After seeing Glenda for some time, Thor began to be uncomfortable with not confiding to her his secret identity as Dynamite Thor the superhero. (He was unaware that Glenda had figured it out on her own and was getting impatient for him to say something.) Only after a confrontation with an allegedly mysterious supervillain calling herself “the Lovebomber” did he confess his secret identity. (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff)

Meeting the Man in Gray

One day, while on his way out to get some lunch for himself and Jenny, Thor found himself face-to-face with a visitor, something the M.F.S. got excessively few of. He was the Man in Gray, a counterpart of the Man in Grey from a nearby universe who wanted to discuss the Man in Grey's lack of a Talisman of Restriction with him. Thor was oblivious to the difference between them, unlike Jenny, who informed the visitor that the Man in Grey was out. Telling her to inform the Man in Grey that he would return, the Man in Gray left with no further fuss. (PROSE: Fragment: A & E)

Day off

Around April 2023, Peter decided to take a day off from his work at the M.F.S. office. As he was not “quite sure how to organise one”, he decided to fall back on “what he would do back when he was the CEO of the Peter Thor Mining Company: he just didn’t show up and hoped the others knew what was going on”. He made up his mind to spend the day on stopping crime as Dynamite Thor, and drove to Knighton with Glenda Sif for the purpose. After he left her a Thor Signaller, she saw him off, and he decided to phone the M.F.S. as a customer, landing on the Scottish Division. There, Tetra-None Hepta-Oct was clever enough to ascertain how Thor would deal with crime, with him demonstrating his explosion-based form of retribution on an unfortunate pondful of ducks he suspected of theft. As a result, Tetra decided to tell him that there was no longer any crime anywhere on the planet. This plunged Thor into a brief bout of existential depression until he encountered Lady Satan, who, coming to the same realisation as Tetra, backed up her story about there no longer being any crime in the universe, but convinced Peter that this was the well-earned result of his deterrence efforts, successfully cheering him up. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: Peter Thor's Day Off)

Encounter with Miss Erewhon

At some point Thor encountered a person calling herself Miss Erewhon. She gave him a flimsy story and a lot of explosives, then sent him off to the Kablamazon offices in search of a villain. (PROSE: Set Up to Blow Up)

Incarnations of Dynamite Thor
Fox universe