Multidimensional Finders Service (925th Universe)

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The Multidimensional Finders Service, or M.F.S., was an organisation headed by the Man in Grey (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There) under the oversight of the Great Higher-Ups. (PROSE: Open Sourcing)


The Service originated in one universe, the 925th Universe, (PROSE: Family Business) but, as its name implied, had a multiversal reach thanks to its original sole employee, Jenny Over-There: the modus operandi of the organisation was that Jenny, who had the ability to know where anything in the Multiverse was, would take calls on the Red Interdimensional Telephone and answer queries from people who had lost, or were otherwise trying to locate, something or someone. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There)


The Man in Grey originally worked for the proto-M.F.S. as an employee, in the position which would eventually go to Jenny Over-There. After about a month, the Man in Grey's original, female boss was removed from office and the Great Higher-Ups promoted him in her place. (PROSE: Open Sourcing (2024 reedit)) He soon discovered that a Welsh woman called Jenny Over-There had gained the ability to know where anything in the world was located; paying her to let him run some studies, he quickly discovered that she could even locate anything in the Multiverse. Deeming her ideal, (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There) he hired her after a wholly perfunctory job interview. (PROSE: Open Sourcing (2024 reedit))

The original office was located in Wales. Eventually, the Great Higher-Ups had the Man in Grey hire more employees and open up a branch in Scotland, with the Man in Grey reluctantly interviewing 193 uncopyrighted candidates and eventually narrowing them down to Talbot Molossus, the Hydrant, 0000-8888888 and Doctor Know-It-All. Of his own accord, the Man in Grey also hired an intern for the Welsh office, with Jenny recommending Dynamite Thor for the position. (PROSE: Open Sourcing) The M.F.S. Scottish Division was given headquarters in Crieff, and Talbot emerged as its leader. (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division)

The Man in Grey's attempt at a Pride version of the M.F.S.'s logo. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events)

When he was appointed by the Great Higher-Ups as their ambassador to the Interdimensional Pride Council, the Man in Grey tried to organise a M.F.S. Pride Month campaign. However, the promotion he offered was a special service for the Finders to disclose arbitrary people's sexualities to any callers who asked, and his attempt at a rainbow logo for the M.F.S. got the colours all wrong. Before long, he told Jenny and Dynamite Thor to cancel all Pride activities after getting dispirited by his dismissal from the Pride Council. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events) Concerned about the P.R. damage, the Great Higher-Ups notified the Man in Grey that they were sending the Repairer of Reputations to the office on June 18th to fix the Service's public image. (PROSE: Workplace Reunion)

On Christmas Eve 2022, the Man in Grey borrowed one of the eldritch Santa Claus's Santaforms, and brought him to the M.F.S. office to film a Christmas ad for the Service. In the ad, which promptly aired on Welsh television, the Santaform complained in a highly generic Santa voice: “Oh no! I’ve lost Christmas! How ever will I find it?”, prompting the Man in Grey to descrbe the Service to the audience — although he forgot to include their phone number. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)

At one point, in the 775th Universe, Laura Drake received a question from an interdimensional observer inquiring as to the name of the universe in which this Laura resided. Before Laura could answer, the Interdimensional Ham Radio she was using spontaneously put her through to the M.F.S., and a bored-looking Jenny Over-There informed her that her universe was “Reality #775” before hanging up. (COMIC: The Demon and the Butterfly: Special Q&A)