The Multi-Coloured Medic

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Multi-Coloured Medic, also derisively nicknamed the Rainbow Quack, was an interdimensional traveller of mysterious origins with access to limited time travel. She strove to make the world “a better and more colourful place”, and got her name from her improbable outfit, a rainbow-coloured version of a 17th century plague doctor costume.


Physical appearance

The Multi-Coloured Medic was a humanoid woman with light brown skin. She dressed in a harlequinesque costume inspired by 17th-century plague doctor oufits, with a green, blue and purple bird-shaped mask, a pink and orange headdress, and a long green-and-blue checkered coat with red trimming worn over an orange tunic and short blue trousers that left her ankles bare. Her shoes were dark red. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy)


The Multi-Coloured Medic was eccentric and bubbly, seeking to make the Multiverse a happier and “more colourful” place. She was, however, reckless in doing so, and overly trusting of those who suggested ways in which she could use her powers for this goal. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy)

Powers & abilities

Using her ship, the Multi-Coloured Medic could “warp sideways across dimensions”. She could also travel through time, but limitations were built into the ship to normally prevent her from making any alterations to history: she would find herself dragged back to the present day if she tried to alter historical events in any meaningful way. However, demonstrating not-inconsiderable talent at engineering, the Multi-Coloured Medic managed to make alterations to the ship which began to make this possible. (PROSE: Century Smith and the Time Terror)


Early life

The Multi-Coloured Medic was known to the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids by December 2021, including her proclivity for hanging around the 17th century in various Prime-adjacent universes. They referred to her as a “humanoid of dubious species”. According to Conspiracy-1263, the Multi-Coloured Medic was an outcast from her home civilisation, who built time machines with built-in limitations for purposes of transtemporal tourism. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy)

Encounter with Conspiracy-1263

The Medic carrying The Christmas Cacophony, as depicted in a painting created by the Crew. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy)

In December 2021 by the Prime Universe calendar, the Clockwork Cherub Conspiracy-1263 bumped into the Multi-Coloured Medic at the Interdimensional Tavern. The two bonded over being outcasts from their respective societies, and discussed their respective recent projects. While the Multi-Coloured Medic had been working on loosening the restrictions on altering history that were built into her time machine, Conspiracy had been experimenting with getting large numbers of monkeys to replicate the writings of William Shakespeare. Conspiracy convinced her to test her machine by taking the gibberish text the monkeys had typed up back to 1623, and inserting it retroactively into the First Folio, thus making Conspiracy's experiment technically a success.

After Conspiracy returned to the Cupid Homeworld, Judicator-337 of the Department of Discipline interrogated him about his recent bouts of mischief. Learning that the Medic now had access to the ability to alter history, he recommended that she be placed under observation by the Crew using one of their Celestial Telescopes, in case she should try to use these abilities to oppose the Crew's agenda. An addendum to the incident report describing these events, however, clarified that Judicator had exaggerated these worries to build up the sense of mystery about the “additional Shakespeare play”, as a Christmas present and prank combined to the Department of Literature. In actual fact, Judicator thought that the Medic had no greater chances of developing into a Hyper-class threat to the Crew than any number of other interdimensional travellers like Century Smith or Jenny Anywhere. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy)