The King in Yellow

The King of Yellow

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The King in Yellow was a play, apparently involving the eldritch entity known as the Yellow King.

The Doctor Know who worked for the Multidimensional Finders Service in the 925th Universe was the writer of a video essay entitled “The King in Yellow is a Bad Play and Here's Why”. (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division)

Behind the scenes

The fictional play gives its name to The King in Yellow, a 1895 short story anthology by Robert W. Chambers. Referenced throughout the book in one way or another, the play apparently sends all who read or see it mad. The anthology was later incorporated into the “Cthulhu Mythos”, with it becoming understood that the King in Yellow was a manifestation of Hastur, a fictional deity previously mentioned in a short story by Ambrose Bierce, and name-dropped elsewhere in The King in Yellow by Chambers with no particular implication that he and the King were the same entity.

H. P. Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos-related concepts in Jenny Everywhere media
AzathothRandolph Carter (Dwain CarterKarolyn Carter) • CthulhuNyarlathotepThe Repairer of ReputationsThe Yellow KingYog-Sothoth
Species & groups
ChthoniansHounds of TindalosOld OnesOuter GodsShoggoths
CarcosaKadathMiskatonic University (Miskatonic School of Business) • Yuggoth
The King in YellowNecronomicon (FiclinomiconPlasmanomicon)
Shoggoth's Old Peculiar Ale