Squire Psykha

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Squire Psykha was the Embodiment of Thought in the Void Between Worlds, occasionally mislabeled as the Embodiment of Information or the Embodiment of Consciousness.


Physical appearance

Psykha broadly resembled Lord Thymon in broad shape, but instead of tentacles, their vertical, column-like body “seemed to be made of endlessly-shifting, conjoined bubbles, enmeshed in a net of neurons and dendrites”; (PROSE: Family Business) they were once described as “made up of bubbles and other assorted cosmic materials, floating in something like a definite shape. Like Thymon, they had a single, great eye, (PROSE: A Copper-Colored Christmas Carol) which took the form of “a particularly large bubble, with a multi-coloured, vertical coil of neural matter in its axis for a pupil”. Also like Thymon, they wore a hat, (PROSE: Family Business) resembling a classic witch's hat. (PROSE: A Copper-Colored Christmas Carol) The bubbles making up the lower half of their body could burst as easily as mundane bubbles, which did not appear to constitute any kind of serious injury for Psykha, though it did annoy them. (PROSE: Family Business)


Psykha was generally held to be the nicest of the three Embodiments; (PROSE: Family Business) indeed, Jenny Everywhere once described Psykha “a sweetheart”. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) However, despite their polite demeanour, Psykha had a callous disrespect of mortals, and believed that the Embodiments should not interact with them more than absolutely necessary. They took their duties very seriously, and their personal domain was a spartan, nearly-featureless room. (PROSE: Family Business) Nevertheless, they were not without heart, crying openly in the possible timeline where Tiny Thymon faded into nothing for lack of eldritch energy. (PROSE: A Copper-Colored Christmas Carol)

Powers & abilities

As the interdimensional Embodiment of Thought, Psykha was omniscient and had the ability to manipulate concepts and language on a multiversal scale, once “obscuring” the gender-neutral version of the English words “uncle” and “aunt” on a whim to settle an argument and thereby rendering it unusable across the Multiverse. They also displayed the ability to teleport people out of their domain. (PROSE: Family Business)



According to Jenny Everywhere the origins of the three Embodiments were disputed; some believed that they arose in the Void out of the amalgamated perceptions of all its other dwellers, while others claimed that they had once resided in a specific universe from which they had been banished, subsequently imposing their own perception on everyone else. However it came about, however, the perceptions of the three Embodiments of the Void provided a “consensus reality” experienced by all who travelled through the Void, thus allowing for permanent constructs inside the Void, such as the Interdimensional Tavern and the Interdimensional Hotel, to arise. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

Psykha was the sibling of Lady Spatium, the Embodiment of Space, and Lord Thymon, the Embodiment of Time. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) In fact, at any one time, three Shapechildren, birthed by Lady Spatium, existed, any one of them ready to specialise themselves and take over if one of the three adult Embodiments was incapacitated. This meant that for any given Psykha and Thymon, “Lady Spatium”, in different iterations, was both a sister and a mother. (PROSE: Family Business)

Christmas 2019

In December 2019, with Christmas being newly-introduced to the Homeworld, Lord Thymon asked Philatel-426 to let him have a week off starting on December 25th to visit his family in the Void, a request to which the Postmaster reluctantly acquiesced. On the night of the 24th, however, Philatel went through a Christmas Carol experience thanks to the Three Spirits. The Ghost of Christmas Present took him to see Spatium's residence in the Void, which was processed for his understanding as a “small, poor house”; there he witnessed Spatium and Squire Psykha setting up a Christmas dinner in expectation of Thymon's arrival, with the two undifferentiated shape-children observing, before being joined by the increasingly sickly Tiny Thymon.

As per the classic Christmas Carol scenario, the Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come went on to show Philatel a possible future where, due to Philatel continuing to keep Thymon at work too often, Tiny Thymon vanished altogether; the scene he saw was the surviving members of the family — including a weeping Psykha — assembling at a spot picked out by Lord Thymon as very “g$#^&n”, apparently a relevant quality, and singing “one of Tiny Thymon’s favorite hymns to the Elder Gods”. However, this future was soon averted as Philatel had a change of heart, giving Thymon much better working conditions and even promoting him to Co-Prefect as he dropped in on the Embodiments' Christmas feast in person. He brought a gift of a prize turkey, as well a stamp album to each of the family members. (PROSE: A Copper-Colored Christmas Carol)

Meeting Sophie Everytime

On June 17th, 2022, Prime Universe time, Lord Thymon and Jenny Everywhere dropped in on Psykha in their home domain to introduce them to their time-shifted niece Sophie Everytime. Despite the young girl's best attempts to endear herself to Psykha, the Squire disapproved on principle of a half-Embodiment child in the family, and refused to take any responsibilty over her, going as far as to “obscure” the gender-neutral word for “aunt” or “uncle” all across the Multiverse to avoid being called it. After Sophie tried to hug Psykha anyway, resulting in some burst bubbles, they ejected the three visitors from their domain and back into the Void. (PROSE: Family Business)

Other references

A Temp once tried impersonating Psykha to trick Wendy VII. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

Century Smith once swore “by Psykha!”. (PROSE: Century Smith and the Time Terror)