
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In the 97th Cosmos, Rusk was a Wellsian Martian who participated in the 1897 invasion of Earth, driving a Tripod alongside his friend Shogorf.


Physical appearance

Rusk had a narrower, rounder face and thinner features than Shogorf, his eyes larger and less round. He had a narrow mouth that puckered inwards. (COMIC: Towering Success)


Shogorf was more fearful and prone to anxiety than Shogorf, but, in turn, less prone to underestimating humans. (COMIC: Towering Success)


In 1897

Shogorf and Rusk were among the Wellsians of the 97th Cosmos who participated in the attempted 1897 invasion of Earth Earth, having gotten there via the Really Bloody Big Cannons. (VIDEO: The Wellsians, PROSE: The Resurrection of the Wellsians)

During the invasion, the two drove a Tripod together. As they rampaged through Paris, Rusk grew anxious about the prospect of the humans making their own Tripod-style war machines. Shogorf initially laughed off the possibility, but, like Rusk, was still momentarily terrified when they turned a corner and found themselves faced with the Eiffel Tower, turning the Tripod around and fleeing at speed. (COMIC: Towering Success)