Miss Victory

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In some universes, Miss Victory was a superhero active during World War II, who helped the American government.


Physical appearance

Miss Victory was a tall, blond-haired young woman with dark blue eyes. She wore a superhero outfit which included a red domino mask, a blue shirt, red gloves and a red cape; on the occasion she had to dress up for a specific mission (such as a space expedition), she would wear her gear and uniform over her superhero outfit rather than actually changing. (PROSE: The New Mission)


Mission Doppleganger

A cheerful Neeta helps the unlikely trio to board the rocket to Doppleganger. (PROSE: The New Mission)

In one universe, Miss Victory was active during the Second World War. “Fresh off” smashing Nazi spy-rings, she was recruited by the U.S. Space Force after the planet Doppleganger unexpectedly appeared in the solar system; America and Russia had come to an agreement for a joint space reconnaissance mission that would beat Germany to the potential prize, and ascertain whether there was any life on Doppleganger (and, if so, if it was hostile). Miss Victory was to serve as the American representative, alongside Octobriana as the Soviet Union's representative. Also ont he mission was Jenny Everywhere. After suiting up, the three were escorted to their spacecraft by the engineer Neeta. (PROSE: The New Mission)

Behind the scenes


Miss Victory, whose secret identity was a Washington D.C. stenographer called Joan Wayne, originally appeared in a number of 1940s comics in the Captain Fearless and Captain Aero books published by Holyoke/Helnit. She is in the public domain. Notably, her domino mask was originally white, and her hair a darker colour than that used by Laura Seabrook in The New Mission.

External Links

  1. First appearance in directly Jenny-related media; actual debut was in Captain Fearless Comics #1 (August 1941).