World War II

World War II

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

World War II, (PROSE: The New Mission) sometimes abbreviated to WW2 (PROSE: What Went Down at Facebook) or WWII, (PROSE: Set Up to Blow Up) was a mid-20th century conflict in many worlds' history, which involved an uneasy alliance of the United States of America and the Soviet Union on one side, and Nazi Germany on the other.

In one universe, the unfolding of the War took a strange turn when an inhabitable planet, codenamed “Doppleganger”, mysteriously appeared in the solar system; both sides raced to send reconnaissance missions to the surface of this new world to ascertain whether there was any intelligent life there, and, if so, whether they would take a side in the war. (PROSE: The New Mission)

In one universe, on June 8th, 2021, as part of a long series of eldritch events, there were “reports” of the server room at Facebook HQ “briefly being replaced by a WW2 supercomputer, before flickering back to the regular server room”. (PROSE: What Went Down at Facebook)

In the 925th Universe, Miss Erehwon once bribed Dynamite Thor with cases of rare WWII Italian hand grenades. (PROSE: Set Up to Blow Up)