Leelee Jones

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Leah “Leelee” Jones was Jenny Bainbridge's only real friend, though she was a few years behind her at Levendale West Academy.


Physical appearance

Leelee was a “small” girl with messy, mid-length blonde hair. Jenny thought of her as “pretty” but with a “lack of personal grooming” that would have been anathema to Charlotte Mitchell and her ilk. She dressed in a loose T-shirt, jacket and jeans, and carried a backpack slung over her shoulder. (PROSE: The Genesis of Jenny Everywhere)


As a 14-year-old, Leelee was excitable and mercurial, flitting from one topic of conversation and one activity to the next with a nimbleness that even Jenny found dizzying. She acted younger than her actual age, and shirked responsibilities with reckless abandon, with a guilelessness that her teachers deemed dumbfounding. She was, however, a steadfast friend to Jenny. Like Jenny, she displayed no sexual interest in either boys or girls. (PROSE: The Genesis of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

Leelee could ride a bike. She was an inattentive and uncultured pupil. (PROSE: The Genesis of Jenny Everywhere)


As a fourteen-year-old, Leelee lived with her uncle Joe, a depressed, neglectful alcoholic who took little interest in her education. She was usually absent at school despite nominally being enrolled at Levendale West Academy; because truancy laws had been abolished, the Academy could do nothing but send an endless stream of pleading, concerned letters to Joe, which the man resoundingly ignored.

One morning, Leelee met up with Jenny on the way to school, much to Jenny's surprise. Leelee explained that she'd taken advantage of Joe still being asleep to sneak out early without waking him. She tried to coax Jenny into having fun with her, for example by telling her about her endless dreams of adventure or going to see Grenadier Mary and the Great Zombie Massacre of 1987 at the cinema, but Jenny was set on going to class, albeit without much enthusiasm. The two were beset by Charlotte Mitchell and her bullies, but the fight was broken up by maths teacher Mr James. She tried, even then, to ride away on her bike, though James seemed to manage to corral her into attending some classes instead. (PROSE: The Genesis of Jenny Everywhere)