Greta Överallt

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Princess Greta Överallt was the daughter of one dimension's version of the Emperor from The Emperor's New Clothes. She had natural shifting powers and became a dimensional traveller under the mentorship of Sven Allestädes.


Physical appearance

Greta was a tall, heavyset white woman with long, light blonde hair tied in pigtails, and blue-green eyes. A committed nudist, she usually did not wear any articles of clothing or jewelry; on the occasions she did get dressed, she was seen to wear a simple green dress over a cream shirt. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)


Greta was a free-spirited explorer, who seemed reluctant to tie herself down to anyone or anything, even other shifters. However, she did have a strong moral core, and refused the crown of her homeland when it was offered to her, instead setting wheels in motion for its reorganisation into a democracy. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)

Powers & abilities

Greta was a shifter with powers similar to Jenny Everywhere's, able to shift herself and others through dimensions at will, and summon things and people from other dimensions to her current location. She had particularly fine control of her abilities, which she attributed to her nudist habits meaning she didn't have to account for clothing in her shifting, allowing her to focus on other details. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)


Princess Greta discovered that she possessed shifting powers some time after the fateful parade where her father was tricked into public humiliation. Sven Allestädes, a veteran shifter, took notice and helped her in secret to learn to use her powers, which soon came in handy as the Emperor became tyrannical and erratic. As the Land turned to chaos, Greta was able to escape her home universe, becoming a carefree interdimensional wanderer and even, ironically, adopting a nudist lifestyle.

Having lost contact with Sven, Greta visited Shelterville in search of her old friend. The locals hadn't seen her in some time, and were unable to directly locate him at first, but summoned Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Anywhere. Together, the three travelled back to the “Land of the Naked Emperor”, chasing a rumour that Sven had returned there in search of a new magical garment to replace his old one (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019) which he'd had to destroy to avert catastrophe in another universe. (COMIC: Enchanted)

Once there, they found that the land was in much greater upheaval still than Greta recalled. Following an unsuccessful peasant revolt against the Emperor's tyranny, the Council of Lords had seized power with Baron Tarquin as Lord Regent, enlisting the help of ruthless Dragon-riding Argothian mercenaries. They were captured and brought before Tarquin, who proposed to Greta, offering her a way back to power in exchange for the marriage cementing his claim to the throne. However, she turned him down and, on the spot, shifted him to a cell in the Shelterville jail.

Great visiting the dungeons of the imperial palace with Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Anywhere. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)

Returning to the Land, she found that after the Baron's disappearance, all hell had broken loose, with the rebels mounting an attack on the palace. Intent on getting her deposed father out of the dungeon, Greta temporarily distracted the mob by summoning a Spamasaur while they snuck back into the castle via a secret passage in an aqueduct that connected to her old rooms in the palace where she got dressed. After finding him, she shifted him to Shelterville, where she gave him a stern lecture about his pride and tyranny, stating that she was exiling him to Shelterville and leaving the revolutionaries to establish a democracy. Meanwhile, as a test of the current revolutionary leaders' wisdom, she decided to send the imprisoned Tarquin back to them to see how they would treat him.

Her father soon found a new calling as Shelterville's new Justice of the Peace. After attending his swearing-in ceremony, she left Shelterville aboard Jenny Anywhere's car alongside the two Jennies. They offered to stick with her on further travels, but Greta instead chose to part ways with them and resume her solo travels, flying off into the Void on her own after getting into her birthday suit. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)

Behind the scenes

Överallt, like “allestädes”, is a Swedish word for “everywhere”.