Jenny Anywhere's car

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Jenny Anywhere's car was a flying green convertible used by one version of Jenny Anywhere in her journeys across the Multiverse, having originally belonged to the mechanic Jack of Shelterville.


Usefully, this car had the capacity to fly. It took off and landed vertically, able to hover in mid-air, with its wheels oriented horizontally rather than vertically.

It was equipped with an interociter, a video telephone system that allowed communication across universes.

As it was an open-topped vehicle, there was little to prevent cargo or passengers leaving the car in mid-air or while travelling between dimensions.


The car's first appearance

Originally belonging to the mechanic Jack in Shelterville, the flying convertable was loaned to Kaza and Gwen Davis during yet another interdimensional crisis. (COMIC: Crisis Down the Yellow Brick Road)

When Jenny Anywhere later brought it back to Shelterville, Stan told her that Jack was happy for her to keep it. (COMIC: Stan Lee Cameo Day)

The car proves not to be dragon-proof. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)

Anywhere was travelling through the Void in the car alongside Jenny Everywhere when they were called on the interociter by another mechanic from Shelterville, who asked for their help in locating Sven Allestädes at Greta Överallt. They travelled to the Land of the Naked Emperor aboard the car, but were forced to disboard when they were attacked by Dragon-riding mercenaries in service to Lord Tarquin. However, the shifters soon overthrew Tarquin's government, and the Jennies departed back in their car. (COMIC: 24 Hour Comic 2019)

Behind the scenes

The car is modeled after the 1951 Buick LeSabre concept car.