Gaggle of the Golden Goats

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Gaggle of the Golden Goats was one of the Strangely-Colored Secret Societies of the Prime Universe, founded as splinters of the First Horde. It was among those which were made up of mutated animals created to serve the Horde's purposes (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies) by Professor Scarper. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies) The Golden Goats considered themselves the most “magnificent” creatures in existence.

One Golden Goat was held captive at the Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries' Research Laboratory 6 when Pessimist-242 was brought there. Like the others, the Goat took place in the mass escape orchestrated by Pessimist soon after. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)