Everywhere's The Thing! (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Everywhere's The Thing! was a short story by James Knight, especially written for Or-E-Con 2 in 2022. A fan fiction, it crossed over Jenny Everywhere with the world of cult fantasy film Labyrinth.



While watching the human realm through a crystal, the Goblin King Jareth suddenly feels a subtle summons, telling him that a human has somehow entered his Labyrinth uninvited. Shifting into the form of an owl, he flies around the Labyrinth until he spots her, then lands out of her sight and shifts back into his humanoid form in full regalia, greeting her with interest.

Seeing her in person, he recognises her as Jenny Everywhere, of whom he's heard in the form of “many a myth, legend and odd tale”. He asks what she's come here for, and she readily answers that she has no other purpose than to have an adventure, something to which she believes his Labyrinth is notoriously well-suited. She goes so far as to reassure him that she will “play nice” and refrain from breaking anything.

Though rather taken aback by her casual attitude, the King grants her thirteen hours' playtime in his Labyrinth, but warns her that the residents may not all take kindly to her presence. He does, on the other hand, give her permission to summon him if she needs his help, and his authorisation to call upon his authority with the Fireys to stop them trying to take her goggles and scarf. Without further ado, he vanishes in a swirl of sparkles, but Jenny is only momentarily perturbed before heading out on her adventure with a bright smile on her face.


Jenny Everywhere


Behind the scenes

Read online

The story was originally released in the form of a live reading by the writer at the virtual Or-E-Con 2. The text of it was later posted on the Jenny Everywhere Discord server. As links to Discord uploads are no longer permanent, we reproduce the story below: