Ennead of the Eigengrau Easter Eggs

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Tne Ennead of the Eigengrau Easter Eggs were one of the Strangely-Colored Secret Societies of the Prime Universe, on good terms with the Society of the Rhyming Dove. (PROSE: Multiversal Mischief) They were apparently actual, enlarged, mobile, sentient easter eggs. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)

Like the Rhyming Doves, they were one of the Strangely-Colored Secret Societies which came into existence as splinters of the First Horde after the Horde laid off a number of its operatives, both humans and genetically-engineered aberrations, but imperfectly wiped their memories of the Horde, leaving them with drives to create similar societies of their own. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies) Specifically, they seemed to have been created by Professor Scarper some time after he himself was dismissed from the Horde. (PROSE: The Salamandyrs and the Automata)

One of the Easter Eggs was one of many Strangely-Colored Secret Society members held captive at the Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries' Research Laboratory 6 when Pessimist-242 was brought there. Like the others, the Easter Egg took place in the mass escape orchestrated by Pessimist soon after. It helped deal with the second of the rank-and-file guards the group had to face, jumping onto her head from atop the analyzation chair and knocking her out. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)

On the day of the faceless magician incident, while Pythagoras-858 attended a session in the Cupid Homeworld, the rest of the Department of Problem-Solving members were “working tirelessly on the best way to romanticize anthropomorphic eigengrau eggshells”. (PROSE: Magic Trick)

On April the 1st, 2021, when they were pranked by the Faction of the Fooling Fish, the Rhyming Doves were planning to have the Eigengrau Eggs round to their vast headquarters for Easter, three days later. (PROSE: Multiversal Mischief)