
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In at least one universe was home to a species called the Cyclocks, beings “hand-crafted by the Guardians of Time themselves” to “watch over the timelines of many universes”. Tetra-None Hepta-Oct was a Cyclock. (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division)

Behind the scenes

The design of Tetra-None Hepta-Oct was created in Spring 2013 as part of the “Fanpro” project, a Tumblr compilation of unnamed character designs that were all released as open-source. Receiving the designation #0000 (hence “Tetra-None”), the otherwise-uncontextualised one-eyed design was the subject of plentiful fan art. The Fanpro fandom principally referred to the character as “Zero”. Their gender was unclear depending on headcanons and interpretations.

On November 4th, 2014, Brandon Longstreth reposted the artwork on his DeviantArt page under the title “0000 Cyclocks” and created additional open-source characterisation for the character, which went on to inspire the character's depiction in Jenny Over-There: The Nine-Two-Five Universe, with the caveat that Callum Phillpott reverted their take on Tetra-None to a “she” whereas Longstreth's blurb used “they”. This included the introduction of the Cyclocks themselves.

The Cyclocks are one of the many races of beings created by the Guardians of Time to watch over various parts of the timestream in multiple universes.

The first Cyclock was Alpha-None who created the first Houses of None starting with Uni-None, Di-None, Tri-None, and Tetra-None. They began mating and created a lineage across billions of years and millions of timelines all while safeguarding their assigned pieces of the timestream.

The Cyclocks are pale skinned, one eyed humanoids. They appear agender but are actually bigender being able to both be pregnant and impregnate at the same time and often do. They require oxygen only for speech as they spend long periods of time in the vacuum of the timestream during repairs. They are formidable fighters and are vastly technologically advanced. Their eyes and brains are specially designed to see changes made to the timestream. They can also ‘read’ the future before it happens.
Brandon Longstreth

External links

Versions of the Cyclocks
925th Universe