Camouflaged Chameleon (Pessimist and the Dromedaries)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In the Prime Universe, a member of the Collection of the Camouflaged Chameleons was one of the captives at the Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries' Research Laboratory 6.

When Pessimist-242 was brought to the Laboratory, Lila was in the process of trying to determine whether the Chameleon had escaped from its cell, though she soon recognised that it had simply used its camouflage abilities to become indistinguishable from the ground and wall of the cell. Later, the Chameleon participated in the mass breakout organised by Pessimist. In the initial phase of the plan, it did its part by making the third of the four security guards trip into the waiting horns of the Golden Goat, who then punted him into a waiting cell. Later, the Chameleon used its ability to perfectly mimic voices to call Darius down to the Laboratory through the intercom in the voice of the Head Guard. It then presumably made a successful escape from the Dromedaries alongside the other escaped mutants. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)