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====Chapter 9: Hallway – PI3====
====Chapter 9: Hallway – PI3====
Served by a lift – not an elevator, just a vertical shaft with a very forceful updraft – this organically curved hallway provides access to the Observatory.
An unnamed “I”, visiting [[the Strange and Wonderful House|the House]] for what seems to be the first time, but whose [[Brother (Hallway - P13)|brother]] was familiar (or possibly contributed to) the blueprints, makes their way through [[Hallway - P13]] Served by a lift – not an elevator, just a vertical shaft with a very forceful updraft – this organically curved hallway, whose floor glows a soft blue, provides access to the Observatory through an “elegant door of dark wood”. The visitor reaches this door and gently taps it.

====Chapter 10: The Observatory====
====Chapter 10: The Observatory====

Revision as of 10:09, 9 August 2022

WARNING: This page is unfinished.
It does not completely adhere to our standards for articles, for example (for a story page) by having an incomplete cast list or (for an in-universe page) not citing its sources properly.

Our Strange and Wonderful House was an experimental collaborative prose work created on Ficly by a large number of writers, starting from a premise and format established by Zxvasdf. Although not conceived of as a novel at its inception, but was termed one by the foreword of the 2022 ebook edition of it, edited by Aristide Twain. Although she was not the main character, Jenny Everywhere, in several incarnations, recurred several times through the book.

Instead of any singular narrative, Our Strange and Wonderful House was made up of a series of vignettes describing, or centering on, various areas of the titular sentient, impossibly vast, shifting House. Many, though by no means all, of its Chapters and Appendices were written in the second person, putting the reader in the shoes of an otherwise-unseen visitor exploring the house. We have elected not to give character pages to these figures, so as to avoid having to make judgment calls about the degree to which the "Yous" of various individual parts should be considered the same continuous character.




An individual welcomes a group of writers who have gathered to participate in a “challenge”. They explain that what they are actually to do is to participate in the creation of a Strange and Wonderful House, whose blueprints, infinite in proportions, are currently blank.

Chapter 1: The Courtyard

After stepping through a portal of some sort, an individual finds themself in the Courtyard of the House, facing the gates of the estate proper, which appear to be made of a glowing golden metal, but are actually made of transparent tubing containing a multitude of luminous insects milling about, fulfilling unknown tasks. The gates open of their own accord and the visitor steps through as the portal sings behind them.

Chapter 2: The Anteroom

The visitor reaches the Anteroom, lit by a chandelier on which small groups of fairies dance. A pillar of cold light, burning fairy dust, occupies the centre of the circular room, a portal that will transport whoever steps into it to the room of their choice. The visitor steps into the light.

Chapter 3: The Pleasure Pad of Federico Ruiz

The Pleasure Pad of Federico Ruiz, the decadent domed leisure area overseen by Federico Ruiz is described.

Chapter 4: The Catamaran Loos of Oceania

The Catamaran Loos of Oceania, the House's bathroom, which contain an entire ocean, with the actual plumbing in the centre of a boat sailing the quiet nightly sea, are described.

Chapter 5: The Library

The lady Elshanor returns to Hawk Manor after a lengthy absence. Walking through the incredibly dusty corridors, she makes her way to Hawk Manor's Library, where she finds a strange, shimmering portal which appears to lead to another library, that of a mysterious infinite house.

Appendix 5-I: The Other Side

In Hawk Manor's library, Alastair is skulking in a dark corner, bemoaning Elshanor's absence. He suddenly sees the portal shimmer; though he gets his knife up, he quickly sees that the woman stepping through is in fact Elshanor. However, almost as quickly, he realises it is not quite the Elshanor he knew. The two stare at each other in shock.

Appendix 5-II: The Bathroom (of the Library)

Elshanor steps into the Library of the Strange and Wonderful House, immediately noticing that the floorboards are as creaky as the doors of Hawk Manor's library. She walks through the Library to find a metallic door curiously ill-fitting for the decor of the room, which turns out to be the gleaming library bathroom, impossibly spotless, in stark contrast to the dust of the library. She notices a paperback copy of Les Misérables and debates taking it back to its proper place, but her musings are interrupted by another creaking sound in the room behind her.

Chapter 6: The Theater Room

The Theater Room is described. It is a haunting place where the unwary visitor may lose their freedom and sanity as they find themselves drawn into the dance of the inhuman “players” wearing human faces, with them soon performing for the players' amusement instead of the players for the visitor's — and in more permanent terms, the players are “always looking for fresh blood”.

Chapter 7: The Coat Room

The Coat Room is described. Its appearance changes from “warm and cloying” to “large and drafty” as needed, with the staff changing from Dwarves to Titans to match. Although it is possible not to call on the services of these changeable valets, the Coat Room is apparently so huge that many become lost for weeks on end, forced to survive off scraps; “on many occasions bleached bones of owners are found mere yards from their coats”.

Chapter 8: The Closet in the Sitting Room

The narration promises that inside the Closet in the Sitting Room is a portal to Narnia – and indeed that one could get to Narnia from any closet. However, the Closet in the Sitting Room is designed as a test to this faith: although it does actually lead to Narnia too, this is not immediately apparent because there is a further doorway disguised as the back wall of the closet.

Chapter 9: Hallway – PI3

An unnamed “I”, visiting the House for what seems to be the first time, but whose brother was familiar (or possibly contributed to) the blueprints, makes their way through Hallway - P13 Served by a lift – not an elevator, just a vertical shaft with a very forceful updraft – this organically curved hallway, whose floor glows a soft blue, provides access to the Observatory through an “elegant door of dark wood”. The visitor reaches this door and gently taps it.

Chapter 10: The Observatory

Overseen by an AI, this high tech space allows residents of the House to observe “space and time.” Perhaps that means looking at objects in other locations and eras; perhaps it means observing spacetime itself.

What they do with the lasers is never explained.

11: Every House Needs One

The men’s restroom is unconventional and challenging.

12: The Dining Room

Dining in the House adapts itself, with the décor, entertainment, and cuisine all being appropriate for the diner’s expectations. That nobody else might perceive what you do is not a problem.

13: The Guard Room

Guards wait in a room full of weapons. Sometimes a visitor will choose to pass through.

13-I: The Conservatory

Living in the Strange and Wonderful House involves strange and wonderful gardening.

13-II: View From a Jungle

In a mad garden, only a madman would be a gardener.

13-III: Back to the Garden

The gardener is mad, but is this garden the Garden? Best not to bother guardians with flaming swords.

13-IV: The Madman

What happens when the gardener catches a visitor? Good thing visitors wear armor.

13-V: The Saviour

There are angels and demons in the garden, and on rare occasions a visitor can tell the difference.

13-VI: The Gardener

What is needful is done, and the Gardener Grigori introduces himself.

14: I Am An Athenaeum

This is the first chapter delivered as verse rather than prose. A library is a place for reading, while an athenaeum is a place of social learning. The athenaeum of the House is implied to connect to all others, in the fashion of Pratchett’s L-Space.

15: The Stairwell

A spiral staircase starts near the front door and goes upwards; it would be naive to think the stairs end at the attic. What is at the top is not worth the climb.

16: The Throne Room

A vast space with fifty thrones, it would seem to accommodate more monarchs than would tolerate each other’s close presence. Nonetheless, it is not unused and Lady Elshanor holds court here upon a silver and blue seat. Her throne allows her to judge those who come before her and remove those who trouble her.

17: Portal to Pandemonium

Rohinder, judged in the previous chapter, falls through a portal to fall and fall and fall… At least the scenery is nice.

18: The Jenny Everywhere Museum

A wing of the House is set aside for Jenny to use as a museum for herselves and her friends – and, possibly, as a storeroom for random junk she may have acquired while wandering the universes.

This is the first mention of Jenny Everywhere in the chronicle, though she does not appear in person; it is also the first time the House is named, as the Infinite House.


Jenny also has a computer here linked to the outside world’s internet; her homepage is ficly.com – the site upon which Our Strange and Wonderful House first appeared.

( Chapter synopsis still in progress )


Jenny Everywhere

Not being limited to a single sequential human lifetime, various incarnations of Jenny Everywhere both passed through the House and settled down to live within it.

Readers should take in the entire work – but some may want to specifically look up where instances of Jenny Everywhere appear.

Chapter 18: The Jenny Everywhere Museum

Jenny Everywhere is named before she appears in person. The eighteenth chapter briefly describes a Jenny Everywhere Museum, where various incarnations of Jenny have stored mementos or dangerous artifacts.

Chapter 46: The Maids

Readers are given background information about the staff of the house, in the form of an interview with Jenny Everywhere.

Chapter 15: The Doorbell?

Jenny is mentioned but does not appear.

Chapter 52: The Guardian of the Ink Wells

No name is given for this person but she’s described as “a small teenaged girl ... dressed in a robe and aviator goggles.” Sound like someone we know?

Chapter 55: Teleporting Beach

The Guardian of the Ink Wells and a red-haired freckled friend have a teleportation misadventure.

Chapter 60: The Fall of the Strange and Wonderful House

At the end, Jenny Everywhere ensures that not everything of the House is lost...

Epilogue: Overgrown

...and years later Jenny finds out what Lara Dar-Ek did with her souvenir of the House.

Laura Drake

Laura Drake never appears, both named and in the narrative, in any of the entries.

In the Jenny Everywhere Museum there is a lock of red hair which could be hers, but we never find out why it was saved or which Jenny brought it in.

The Guardian of the Ink Wells has a friend nicknamed Treefrog with red hair and freckles.

In the Epilogue Jenny arrives at the wrong time and told that Lora Dar-Ek passed away long ago, of old age – but also that she used her life well.




Behind the scenes

Read online

The original prose pieces making up Our Strange and Wonderful House can be found on Ficly, although a number of Appendices and a handful of Chapters are not listed as part of the Challenge and must be sought out individually. The 2022 annotated, collected ebook edition of Our Strange and Wonderful House can be read online for free on Issuu or downloaded for free as a PDF or an ePub.