Where Is Everywhere (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Where Is Everywhere was a Jenny Everywhere story written by Ununnilium.



At the "beginning and end" of the Multiverse, two godlike entities have been clashing: the Defender and the Destroyer. At last, the Defender, though wounded, gains the upper hand, banishing the Destroyer into the nothingness beyond existence, but the Destroyer jeers that it has won even so, as he has done too much damage to the proto-multiverse for it to blossom into anything new; there is not enough energy for a Big Bang left in the wounded fabric of reality. The Defender thinks for a moment and then decides to sacrifice herself, shattering herself into an infinity of pieces that fill all the cracks in reality.

Eons later, while sitting through an algebra class, a young incarnation of Jenny Everywhere is in mental conversation with her other selves, and asks how “Jenny Everywhere” came to be. She is told that none of the Jennies know.



  • The story suggests that Jenny Everywhere was originally a godlike being who broke her being apart int an infinity of pieces to fill up the cracks in the damaged reality, allowing Big Bangs to happen and the Multiverse to grow.
  • A young incarnation of Jenny Everywhere is seen asking her other selves through their telepathic link about their shared nature.


  • In one unnamed universe, Jenny Everywhere seems to have a good handle on, but still be learning about the nature of her powers as “the Shifter”. It is fourteen billion point six years old.



  • This story suggests that Jenny Everywhere does not know how she came into existence, in contrast with COMIC: The Secret Origin of Jenny Everywhere, which suggests that she had some solid knowledge about her origin story, and a variety of stories where Jenny refers with certainty to her original mother, suggesting that she started out as a more or less normal person before being splintered.

Behind the scenes

Read online

This story was released, and remains available, on Ficly.