Valentine's Visitor (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Valentine's Visitor was a short Jenny Everywhere short story written by Scott Sanford in 2023 starring his usual “default Jenny”. Celebrating Valentine's Day, it was a brief crossover with The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, with an unnamed Cupid dropping in on Sanford's characters.



Jenny is dozing on the couch in her apartment when a strange, gleaming robot lands on the balcony and, thanks to the doors having been unwisely left open, makes its way in. It tries to sneak up on the sleeping woman but is jumped by the Robot Toaster. Startled from her sleep, Jenny kicks the strange robot off into the kitchen as soon as it manages to untangle itself from the angry toaster. Instantly coming to the conclusion that Professor Awesome built something dangerous again, she dashes out of the apartment and goes to knock on the boy's door, but he denies any knowledge of the intruder, and is concerned upon hearing that the Toaster is trying to fight it, given that the Toaster “isn't any good in a fight”. They rush back to the apartment, where Awesome easily separates the two robots, marvelling at the “sweet engineering” of the unfamiliar golden one. Before he can examine it or question it, however, it reveals its ability to fly and escapes through the balcony again, soon disappearing from view. Finding that the intruder left a small bow behind, Jenny and the Professor are left to wonder what the strange visit was about.


Jenny Everywhere




Behind the scenes


When posting the story, Scott Sanford appended some commentary:

This year Jenny Everywhere has a Valentine's Day as romantic as last year. Ah, well. There’s always next year, as long as nobody tries building another Time Pestle.

This encounter makes a little more sense if the reader is already familiar with the Copper-Colored Cupids – although, admittedly, not a whole lot more.
Scott Sanford

Though listed as a Valentine's Day release, and identified as taking place on the day in-universe, the story was actually released on February 10th so as to fit Sanford's “Fiction Friday” tradition.

Read online

The story is available on the author's Dreamwidth website.