Fragment: Superb Owl (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Fragment: Superb Owl was a short story by Scott Sanford, released in 2023 in allusion to Super Bowl Sunday. It was the ninth of Sanford's “Fragments” shorts, and the first of 2023.



It's Super Bowl Sunday “somewhere in America”, and Jenny Everywhere, due to a crucial misunderstanding about punctuation, instead tries to mark the occasion by bringing Laura Drake a live “superb owl”, right into her bedroom. Naturally, it quickly causes a ruckus and flies off into the rest of the apartment, to the dismay (but complete lack of guilt) of Jenny. Not knowing where to begin to explain the mistake, Laura simply assures Jenny that they can “do something later”, so long as Jenny helps her catch the owl and release it back into the wild.


Jenny Everywhere


Behind the scenes


When releasing the story on Dreamwidth in 2022, Scott Sanford appended some commentary to the story:

This scene came to me in the car as I was driving home and I typed it out in a few minutes. Yes, it's a very old pun.
Scott Sanford

Read online

The story is available on the author's Dreamwidth website.