The Great Intelligence (89067986779811167562948736197891674912223184th Universe)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Like its Third Universe counterpart, the 89067986779811167562948736197891674912223184th Universe's incarnation of the Great Intelligence was a villainous splinter of the mind of Yog-Sothoth, a disembodied intelligence with “a voice like the North Wind”.

Having become an enemy of The Doctor, the Intelligence eventually travelled back in time to the day the First Doctor left Gallifrey, in an effort to “derail [his] destiny once and for all”. To that end, the Intelligence arranged to replace the TARDIS the Doctor had intended to steal with another one, which it possessed, beginning its sabotage by “hardwiring” the TARDIS desktop theme as the pilot-hostile Semple Black. Had events proceeded normally, the Intelligence's scheme would have been cancelled out by the actions of one Junior Time Technician, but instead, the latter wound up being knocked out by an incarnation of Jenny Nowhere who had her own designs on the TARDIS the Doctor was meant to steal.

Unaware of the mix-up, Nowhere got into the Intelligence-possessed TARDIS, only realising her mistake by the time she was in flight in the Time Vortex. The Intelligence was equally displeased upon realising the ship's thief was not the Doctor, but the two agreed to land somewhere quiet and try to come to an arrangement. (PROSE: How To Steal Timeships & To Influence Time Lords) Indeed, this incarnation of Nowhere would keep using the ship thereafter in service of unrelated schemes. (PROSE: Set Up to Blow Up)

Incarnations of the Great Intelligence
89067986779811167562948736197891674912223184th Universe