SCP Foundation

SCP Foundation

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The SCP Foundation, SCP standing for Special Containment Procedures, was a shadowy organisation which specialised in studying and containing “anomalies”. One Jenny Everywhere once described them as a group who “keep a bunch of really bad stuff locked up so it can't hurt people”.

In one universe, the Foundation was active by 2005, and had multiple Sites under its control. When the aforementioned Jenny Everywhere snuck into one of their Sites and somehow logged into their secret databases, she was apprehended by security personnel and brought to Doctor Fullham for interrogation. Subsequently, she was recorded by the Foundation as one of the anomalies it kept track of, given the SCP designation of “SCP-JEv”. Though the Jenny Fullham interviewed shifted away without trouble, bearing the Foundation no ill will, the Foundation's file on Jenny took a more aggressive approach, stating that “if encountered, a Foundation containment team is to be dispatched to apprehend SCP-JEv and relocate it to the nearest secure facility for interrogation. Lethal force is authorized if subject resists”. (PROSE: SCP-JEv)

Behind the scenes

The SCP Foundation is the primary focus of the collaborative online fiction hub of the same name. It operates under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. This makes it a form of open-source concept, but any work featuring the Foundation must automatically be released under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license also.

External links