Doctor Fullham

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Doctor Fullham was a member of the SCP Foundation. He was a Senior Researcher at a Site whose specific number was redacted. Fullham was tasked with interviewing a version of Jenny Everywhere after she was caught trying to access the Foundation's secret records using borrowed credentials. After a somewhat frustrating interview where Jenny kept referring to Fullham's reality as “a story”, she dematerialised before his very eyes. (PROSE: SCP-JEv)

Behind the scenes

“Doctor Fullham” is, as per SCP Foundation custom, also used as a pen name by the author of SCP-JEv, otherwise known as “Mike”. The in-universe Doctor Fullham appeared in other SCP works. On his author profile, the writer revealed the character's full name to be “Doctor Henry James Alexander Fullham”, and specified that he was a cis man.

Like all elements introduced in SCP Foundation-based material, the character of Doctor Fullham is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. This makes him a form of open-source character, but (unless one goes back to the source and licenses him under another regimen from “Mike”, which would preclude referring to the character as an SCP member) any work featuring him must automatically be released under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license also.