Professor Cabbage

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Professor Cabbage was a “notorious” eccentric inventor from Interstitial City.


Physical appearance

Professor Cabbage appeared to be an actual humanoid cabbage plant, with human proportions but a head of cabbage for a skull and green skin. On one occasion, he wore a long sky-blue coat, a mustard-coloured waistcoat with red buttons, and gray trousers. (PROSE: Professor Cabbage and the Indifference Engine) On another, he was seen wearing a large dark-green raincoat. (PROSE: Barbelith Baristas)


Though perpetually low on funds, he was an “inveterate inventor” and kept trying to build new projects using scrap metal and recycled parts. (PROSE: Professor Cabbage and the Indifference Engine)


On one occasion, the Professor created a robot which, to his confusion, proved impervious to any attempts to reprogram it away from its initial purpose of creating martinis from whatever was one hand. Cabbage named it the Indifference Engine due to this peculiar quirk. Eventually, the Engine became an unexpected success, proving very popular at parties. (PROSE: Professor Cabbage and the Indifference Engine)

A WaitBot brings Professor Cabbage his drink. (PROSE: Barbelith Baristas)

Professor Cabbage once purchased some Homunculus Noodles from the Burroughs Cafeteria in the Bohemian District of Interstitial City, then sat at a table in front of the Barbelith Baristas to eat them, ordering a bottle of Griff Mont to go with them. His image was captured in the background a snapshot of the exterior of the Barbelith Baristas taken by a “roving photosec bot”, which would go on to be used in a tourist brochure advertising the Bohemian District. (PROSE: Barbelith Baristas)