Planet (Betrayal of Brothers)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One planet was colonised by humanity in one universe, despite its lack of life-supporting resources, with many bunkers and Citydromes being constructed.

Initially, the colony was not allowed to have its own government and politics, answering directly to United Nations directives. This system broke down over time as the planet's population increased and it became wealthier. Factions arose that started vying for power, including the Eagles and the Kievs. War between the Eagles and Kiev broke out, lasting two hundred years and cutting back the planet's population by two thirds. Eventually, a truce was agreed upon: the Kievs and Eagles would cease recruiting from the civilian population and only fight each other on a small scale, without involving the wider population. This relative peace held out for at least five hundred years, the length of time it had done so when Jenny Everywhere visited this world. She also found that a mysterious “old man” acted as a supernaturally-effective vigilante to bring swift, ruthless justice to any who would disturb the truce. (COMIC: Betrayal of Brothers)