King Conaan

King Conaan

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Merlin, then still known as “Ambrosius”, told a version of Jenny Everywhere that his mother had told him that his grandfather had been a king. (PROSE: Close Encounter of the Bird Kind)

Behind the scenes

In the earliest version of the Prose Brut, Merlin's grandfather is identified as the obscure historical British King Aurelius Conanus, here “King Conaan”. Ironically, Aurelius Conanus is believed to have been a descendant of the historical Ambrosius Aurelianius, legendary accounts of whose life were later incorporated into the legends of King Arthur and Merlin — being the reason Merlin's birth name is sometimes given as “Ambrosius”, as is the case in Close Encounter of the Bird Kind.

Concepts from the Arthurian mythos in Jenny Everywhere media
AdhanKing ArthurKing ConaanGuinevereMerlinMordredMorgan Le FaySir ParsifalTaliesinKing Uther Pendragon
Knights of the Round Table
Round Table
Battle of Camlann
