Jenny Everywhere (The Freak Issue)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Jenny Everywhere was apparently created by mad scientists as “a prototype for a superior human species”. She had various idiosyncratic superpowers, mostly revolving around increased senses, such as an “ultra-sensitive endocrine system”, “a mental conduit to the invisible plane of ecstasy unobtainable to we average mortals” and the ability to feel other people's ennui.

Although aloof in her demeanour, she was explicitly and outspokenly heroic, always looking for occasions to champion goodness and fight gloom and wickedness. She had a non-powered best friend and sidekick in the form of Trip. Jenny particularly championed mutant humanoids and other personages on the fringe of society like herself.

At some point, this Jenny Everywhere, who had horticultural abilities, cultivated the Focus Lotus blossom on “a remote antipodean island” and distilled residue from into a chemical which “shifted one's brain properties from a state of funfair-induced erratic grasping-for-immediate-sensory-pleasures to an uncharacteristic stateof constant and sustained focus”, ideal for experiencing a particularly great circus performance.

The Shifter once encountered the plight of Dromedary Man, a telekinetic hybrid who was being exploited as a circus freak at the funfair on the pier of a seaside town. After meeting up with Trip, she determined that the problem was that the unbalanced Mr Haffalife, builder and owner of the pier, was privileging unsatisfying, ephemeral but instantly-satisfied attractions rather than the art of the circus. After helping to recover Haffalife's beloved Giant Panda (a stuffed toy whose loss had turned him even crankier than usual) as well as Ani's journal, Jenny organised a dazzling circus performance that inspired a change of heart in Haffalife. Some time later, she and all the people she had met during the adventure got together for a dance party. (COMIC: The Freak Issue)

Incarnations of Jenny Everywhere
Recurring protagonists
Steven Wintle's JennyName's Not Down JennyMy Bloody Valentine JennyPreludes and Distractions JennyJhenni EverywhereReality Z-25 31-HParallax UniverseAce Rules OK! JennyJenny CorneliusHeroine's Guild Jenny3rd Universe775th Universe925th Universe38167th Universe1511th UniverseMirandaPsychopomp Jenny
Other notable versions of Jenny Everywhere
“Barbarian” Jenny“Biker” JennyCha NiGenevieve, Princess of Everywhere“Musketeer” Jenny“Ninja” JennyOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny Nowhere“Shih tzu” JennyMore