Jenny Everywhere (Shifting)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One incarnation of Jenny Everywhere, who appeared Native American, had short hair which she seemed to have cut herself somewhat haphazardly, and had deep amber eyes betraying her mental age (despite her youthful appearance), wore a well-worn leather jacket, blue jeans, and a “sturdy” pair of boots, as well as a battered backpack slung over one shoulder.

Deeming that it “would be better for everyone” if one universe's version of the Doctor were to resume her adventures with Rose Tyler, she travelled to Pete's World, found Rose, and shifted her into the control room of the TARDIS. She briefly interacted with the Doctor (by then in her thirteenth incarnation) before leaving the two women to their reunion, walking out of the ship through the wall (something which should have been impossible). (PROSE: Shifting)

Incarnations of Jenny Everywhere
Recurring protagonists
Steven Wintle's JennyName's Not Down JennyMy Bloody Valentine JennyPreludes and Distractions JennyJhenni EverywhereReality Z-25 31-HParallax UniverseAce Rules OK! JennyJenny CorneliusHeroine's Guild Jenny3rd Universe775th Universe925th Universe38167th Universe1511th UniverseMirandaPsychopomp Jenny
Other notable versions of Jenny Everywhere
“Barbarian” Jenny“Biker” JennyCha NiGenevieve, Princess of Everywhere“Musketeer” Jenny“Ninja” JennyOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny Nowhere“Shih tzu” JennyMore