Jenny Everywhere (Holiday Pandemonium)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
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In one universe, an incarnation of Jenny Everywhere who was normally female briefly adopted a male form following an encounter with Pan, using the name of Jerry Everywhere. She was skinny and prone to swearing.

Jenny once went on a holiday to Greece, staying at the Illyria Inn and taking a guided tour of the ruins in the area. She found the tour disappointing, but one of her fellow tourists, the photographer Drew, caught her eye. She attempted to entice him to sleep with her, but he ignored her clear attempts to initiate a flirt. Sulking in a nearby forest, she came across the god Pan, who agreed to help her by temporarily transforming her in the form Drew would find most attractive.

As Drew was gay, this turned out to be a muscular young man. In this new form, the Shifter decided to go by “Jerry Everywhere”. After trying out his new body for a few minutes, Jerry headed back to the ruins to find Drew, but once again failed to seduce him, as it turned out Drew had no interest in casual sex in the first place and indeed found Jerry's advances off-putting. After turning back into a woman due to the spell thus being broken (as Drew had rejected the appearance supposedly patterned after his desires), the spited Jenny decided to sleep with Pan instead. (COMIC: Holiday Pandemonium)

Incarnations of Jenny Everywhere
Recurring protagonists
Steven Wintle's JennyName's Not Down JennyMy Bloody Valentine JennyPreludes and Distractions JennyJhenni EverywhereReality Z-25 31-HParallax UniverseAce Rules OK! JennyJenny CorneliusHeroine's Guild Jenny3rd Universe775th Universe925th Universe38167th Universe1511th UniverseMirandaPsychopomp Jenny
Other notable versions of Jenny Everywhere
“Barbarian” Jenny“Biker” JennyCha NiGenevieve, Princess of Everywhere“Musketeer” Jenny“Ninja” JennyOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny Nowhere“Shih tzu” JennyMore