J. Barrington Boartusk

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

J. Barrington Boartusk was an Orc con artist.

After the collapse of the Multiverse into a Collapsed Cosmos, Jenny Everywhere “fell into a book” at a library (where reality was particularly unstable). As her life mixed with the plot of the book, she received a visit at her apartment from the wizard Glendalf who had brought twelve Orcs with him and wanted to go on an adventure with her; J. Barrington Boartusk was among them. They eventually settled on robbing the manor of a billionaire in Scotland to steal her money and the Legendary Time Crystal she kept in her vault. Only four of the Orcs actually went along on the trip, J. Barrington Boartusk once more being one of them.

J. Barrington Boartusk's task, once at the mansion, was to pose as a documentary filmmaker alongside Jenny in order to keep the billionaire distracted while Agrzaan Lurgpin and Jegrekk Gnashtooth committed the actual robbery. This part of the plan went off without a hitch, although Jenny later ran into trouble once she split off from Boartusk to search for the Time Crystal in the lower levels of the building. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)