Heroines Guild HQ

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Heroines Guild HQ, or Heroines Guild Headquarters, (PROSE: Downtime) was the “Heroines Guild's main headquarters”, appearing as a “shining silver skyscraper” located on Earth-O147. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere Visits the Heroines Guild)


The building contained a large lobby, constantly filled with “heroines from across the Multiverse” going about their business. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere Visits the Heroines Guild) It had a marble floor. Past the lobby were office cubicles, with every registered Heroine and handler of the Guild having her own, as well as The Drunken Heroine, the Guild's on-site bar. The building's upper floors also contained apartments for Guild staff. (PROSE: Downtime)


Jenny Everywhere visited the Heroines Guild's main headquarters after hearing about former Guild leader Gina's downfall, eager to see for herself the way she had been tied up in the lobby in an embarrassing position. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere Visits the Heroines Guild)

Later, Jenny returned to HQ after defeating Amber Kelly on a Guild mission in another universe. She found that Gina had now been subjected to a more intricate punishment, being bound to a machine which forced her to lick Heroines' shoes clean upon request if they sat in the chair in front of her and pressed a button. After availing herself to this amenity, Jenny briefly visited her cubicle before heading to The Drunken Heroine. After going on a multiversal bender, she woke up two weeks later in her personal apartment with a considerable hangover and her handler Laura tied up on her bed. (PROSE: Downtime)