Grandmother Ginger

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Grandmother Ginger was a “legendary” Wicked Witch of Sucria, from Reality B-89 54-Z. She was the aunt of her universe's version of Jenny Everywhere until Jenny was killed by the Old Man of the Marshmallow.



Grandmother Ginger was thought of as a “wicked” witch. However, Old Mother Westwind, despite being her enemy at the time, once objected to the characterisation of Ginger as “vile”, noting that she'd only cursed her brother after being provoked. Her likes reportedly included candy and “the taste of victory”. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

Grandmother Ginger had a number of magical abilities, including flight and shapeshifting. She once cursed a man's shoes to force him to dance until the shoes wore out. On the other hand, she did not have the ability to teleport at will. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)


Early life

Old Mother Westwind confirmed to Reality 18's Jenny Everywhere that Ginger's title of grandmother was not simply figurative, and that she indeed had a family. This included a a niece who was in fact her reality's incarnation of Jenny Everywhere, who became Ginger's Ward. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

Feud with Old Mother Westwind

At some point, Grandmother Ginger came to live in a shack on the edge of the Candy Forest. During this period, she asked Westwind for help locating Jenny, who'd disappeared. When Westwind failed, Ginger spitefully cursed her brother's shoes, making him dance to exhaustion and wear out his favourite pair of shoes in the process. Escalating the feud, Westwind ended up chasing Ginger out of her shack and driving her into hiding deeper in the Candy Forest. She then took over Westwind's house. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

With Jenny Everywhere

Ginger returning to human form after turning into a giant purple-striped spider. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

A few days into her occupation of Ginger's shack, Westwind received a visit from an interdimensional traveller who was actually another version of Jenny Everywhere, looking for Ginger due to the psychic influence of the version of Jenny who was Ginger's niece. Westwind agreed to join her in an expedition into the Candy Forest. After three days' trekking through the forest, Westwind and Jenny split up so that Westwind could go hunting for some food other than sweets; she was attacked by a monstrous being.

Witnessing this, Ginger came to her defence in the form of a giant spider. Coming to the scene late, Jenny briefly thought the spider was the attacker and threw a summoned bucket at her and kicked her, but Ginger regained human form and identified herself to the newcomer, whom she recognised as her niece. Before further explanations could take place, the evil, the Old Man of the Marshmallow reminded them of his presence. His words to Jenny confirmed, to Ginger's ire, that “her” Jenny had been killed, and she attacked the Old Man, adopting the form of a Black Nettle to fight him. As the fight drew on, Jenny fearedg that Ginger was about to be killed, and decided to use her shifting powers to abruptly zap her to the other side of the forest, before trying to convince the Old Man that this was Ginger's own doing, the unveiling of one of many new powers she had acquired while he'd been imprisoned in the marshmallow. As he argued back and forth with her, he began to shift back to his weaker humanoid shape. At the opportune time, Jenny summoned Ginger back; the witch had slipped into the form of a fearsome giant scorpion. At Jenny's suggestion, she simply let herself from overhead where Jenny had summoned her, crushing the Old Man, whose last words were simply: “Oh. …Oh, no”.

When Ginger turned back to human form and stepped aside, it was found that nothing remained of the Old Man but a crushed marshmallow and a magical key he'd been carrying in his pocket. Ginger picked it up, stating that she'd been looking for it for a long time, and plunged it in Jenny's forehead, claiming it would “open the gates of [her] mind”. The key, actually an ancient artefact known as the Key of Enecloog, transported the two of them to a realm representing Jenny's mind, which shaped itself according to Jenny's every thought. After helping Jenny focus through the overwhelming experience, Ginger explained that she had brought them here to find Ginger's niece: she wanted Jenny to tap into the memories she retained from Ginger's Jenny and use the power of the Key of Enecloog to reconstitute her as her own entity within the mindscape, then bring her back to the real world. Jenny protested that this wasn't how it worked, but Ginger wouldn't listen to reason, and the two ended up having an imagination-fight, changing the landscape around them based on their imagination, until Jenny got the upper hand and drenched Ginger in cold water, bringing her to her senses.

As they both regained their cool, the “world-of-Jenny” faded around them and they found themselves back in the clearing, where night had already fallen. Jenny surprised the weeping Ginger by telling her that she thought rescuing her niece might in fact be possible, and that she was willing to help, even if the Enecloog plan wasn't the way to do it. Remembering that, according to legend, the souls of the dead literally flew up into Outer Space upon death, Jenny and Ginger soon realised that they needed to go there if they wanted to retrieve the dead Jenny's soul to resurrect her. Westwind, overhearing them, quickly used her powers to create a giant flying broomstick to take them there, which she dubbed the Wisp. However, just as they were about to leave, Ginger cried out that she had forgotten something at home, where she ended up staying after all. This was fortunate, as Westwind's broom soon went down while flying over the Fall See, crashing into a reef. Jenny believed Westwind to have perished in the crash. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere) (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

At some point, Grandmother Ginger and Jenny attended Jenny Over-There's 2022 Pride party held at Professor Helvetius's Convenient Pride Decorations Shop. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events)