Fragment: Lunchtime in the Old West (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Fragment: Lunchtime in the Old West was a Jenny Everywhere short story written by Scott Sanford in 2022. It was the fourth of Sanford's “Fragments” shorts, after Fragment: Frogs, Fragment: Nowhere Plan and Fragment: The Summoning.



A Jenny Everywhere who's part of Cody's Wild West Show is accosted by a patronising eastern ponce, who asks her if she knows how to shoot even though she's visibly holding a rifle. Keeping a perfect pokerface, Jenny answers that she considers herself “no better than the next woman”, tricking him into thinking her a harmless opponent — despite having spoken the exact truth: the woman sitting next to Jenny, whom the man has failed to recognise, is in fact Annie Oakley.


Jenny Everywhere



Behind the scenes


When releasing the story on Dreamwidth in 2022, Scott Sanford appended some commentary to the story:

On the Discord server Dizzy H. Slightly Voided commented, “There's got to be Jennies who've moved to another universe because they were envious of how other Jennies lived their lives. …e.g. she's Cowboy Jenny Everywhere and the era of the Wild West is now over." Hm, I thought, I had an idea about that…
Scott Sanford

Read online

The story is available on the author's Dreamwidth website.