Director of Singularity

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Director of the Bureau of Singularity was a mysterious man with a blank face and no hair, wearing a well-tailored suit. He usually sat in his office on Floor 239 of the Bureau's headquarters at the Nexus of Realities, and personally monitored the Bureau's work of observing and recording events in a variety of other realities, such as Reality 69-T-0.

After sneaking into said office while invisible, Jenkins and Professor Madison of Reality Z-25 31-H were able to bluff the Director into signing a contract guaranteeing that the Bureau would no longer try to correct Jenkins and Kelly's timeline. After obtaining the contract, they revealed to an aghast Director that they had not actually switched the labels of any of the VHS tapes, contrary to what they'd claimed. (COMIC: Singularity War)