Dimension Zeta-32-Orangepeel-Grbbrzkwlkglb

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Dimension Zeta-32-Orangepeel-Grbbrzkwlkglb was the improbable name given by the Faction of the Fooling Fish to a pocket universe they stumbled upon while sailing the Chronon Sea aboard the Fish'n'Ship.

Built as a haven by survivors of a pandimensional war, it was warded by a spherical shield of undefined energy which kept out most Void Ships, although with CS-NA's help, the Fish managed to sail their ship through the small gaps in the shield's structure. Their purpose in visiting it was to bring the long-stranded survivors winter presents, bringing back the magic of Christmas to them. Some of the inhabitants of the pocket universe had “cultural memories of magical gift-bringers who travelled in wooden vessels”, suggesting at least some of these survivors may have been descended from inhabitants of reasonably Prime-adjacent Earths with versions of Santa Claus. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)