Artefact of Power

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

An Artefact of Power was a magical item in which an individual with inherent magical ability transferred a fragment of their powers.


Artefacts of Power could be created for a variety of reasons, from making these powers less taxing to use on a daily basis, to ensuring that one would still have a “backup” of one's power even if one became depowered somehow by external forces. Likewise the mechanics of such Artefacts differed from person to person: for some practictioners, creating one required depleting their own power by as much as they poured into the item, while others could create such items without weakening their own inherent abilities. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)


Artefacts of Power included the Whistle of the Witch Varganax, which came into the possession of Sorceress Sally of the Interdimensional Black Market, and Madame Tarsa's cane. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)