Amelia Midnight

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Captain Amelia Midnight was Jenny Everywhere's mother (or occasionally father) in a number of continua. She was a “transtemporal adventuress” and dimensional traveller in her own right, having captained the hypership Zephyrus.


Physical appearance

Amelia Midnight was usually, across her incarnations, “a tall, imposing woman with her dark hair cut short, wearing a trim white suit”. In her heyday she would usually wear the scarf and goggles that were to eventually become her daughter's. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)


Adventures and heroic, Captain Midnight also had a somewhat more overbearing streak than her daughter, being keen to protect those she cared about for their own good even at the expense of stifling their own independence.

Midnight was polyamorous and had numerous partners, though Princess Katerina Corwin tended to be their “primary” love interest. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

Midnight was capable of flying a hypership, including through the Overvoid. As an Archon, she was familiar with high-dimensional theory relating to the nature and means of maintaining the hypercontinuum. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)


Default story

Despite variations as great as Amelia's gender, her story in universes where she was Jenny Everywhere's mother tended to always be largely the same. She would, in her prime, be a great transtemporal adventuress aboard the hypership Zephyrus, doing battles with tyrants, elder gods and even Abstracts; seeking to protect some of the people she met on her journeys, she set up the Island of Barbelo, a hidden pocket dimension where they would be safe from her many enemies. Among them was Princess Katerina Corwin, her lover, a woman Amelia had rescued from “dire peril”.

Jenny would, at some point, come into her life; sometimes she would be Jenny's biological mother (or, more rarely, father); other times Amelia would find the baby Jenny adrift in the Overvoid after an emergency shift led her there. Whatever happened, Amelia would adopt the child as her own, taking her to live on the Island of Barbelo, where she would (as Captain Midnight once more sailed away for new adventures) primarily be raised by one of her partners, usually Katerina.

After growing up hearing about Amelia's adventures, a young Jenny would be inspired to leave Barbelo by the arrival of another girl her age, usually Laura Drake or Penny Anywhere. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)

In the Collapsed Cosmos

In the Collapsed Cosmos, an unstable universes which resulted from all the universes of the Multiverse collapsing into one, the “conglomerated” Amelia Midnight was the woman the “collapsed” Jenny primarily thought of as her mother. She dwelled at the End of Time, having retired from adventuring to become an Archon of the Redoubt, passing on her scarf and goggles to Jenny and the Zephyrus to a new captain, and achieving “a kind of respectability”. By this point, the Princess Katerina “lay in a glass coffin, still awaiting a cure for the curse her own mother had cast on her”.

Being aware of the abnormal existence of this universe, Amelia and the other Archons sought to resolve it themselves. Jenny's own travels through time and space in the Collapsed Cosmos, seeking a time-crystal which she hoped could be used to restore the Multiverse, apparently interfered with the Archons' own plans; Amelia tried to contact Jenny on her phone early on in her adventures but to no avail. The two eventually came face to face after Jenny, having ended up in the past, tried to put herself in a trance to fast-forward back to the age of human-kind, only to overshoot and transport herself all the way to the End of Time. There, Amelia briefly berated Jenny for her recklessness, with Jenny in turn criticising her mother for having become too much of a stickler for doing things through “the official channels”. However, they quickly put their differences aside to go take the Null-Train. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)

Behind the scenes

Amelia Midnight, both in first name and as concerns the suggestion that she was the original owner of Jenny's scarf and goggles, seems to have been inspired by the frequent implied suggestion in early Jenny Everywhere media of Amelia Earhart as Jenny's other (for instance in COMIC: The Late Shift).

Coincidentally, the Doctor Omega Chronicles series of novels featured an aviatrix-turned-space-adventurer named Amelia Midnite. This Amelia also wore a white outfit and goggles, but no scarf, and had long, curly blond hair.