Tetra-None Hepta-Oct

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Revision as of 14:37, 27 May 2023 by Angela (talk | contribs)

Tetra-None Hepta-Oct, (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division) sometimes rendered as 0000-8888888, (PROSE: Open Sourcing) was a Cyclock woman. One version of her became an employee of the Multidimensional Finders Service in the 925th Universe.


Physical appearance

Tetra-None Hepta-Oct had a single eye, “skin similar to that of a boiled egg”, and silver hair. (PROSE: Open Sourcing)

Powers & abilities

As a Cyclock, (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division), she had the ability to see through time, (PROSE: Open Sourcing) meaning she could gaze into the future to determine where someone would eventually locate a missing time, and tell them early. (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division)


In the 925th Universe

She was one of the candidates interviewed by Jenny Over-There and the Man in Grey, hoping to get a position at the Multidimensional Finders Service. With her talents being among the ones that best dovetailed into the organisation's workings and purpose, she was accepted without fuss, and was sent to Scotland to set up the new M.F.S. branch alongside Doctor Know-It-All, Talbot Molossus and the Hydrant. (PROSE: Open Sourcing)

After they got settled in their new HQ in Crieff, Tetra soon proved the teammember most able to fill in for Jenny's usual duties, as she could use her temporal omniscience to see where the object had been lost or where it would be found in the future. In contrast, Talbot and the Hydrant were largely useless, with Talbot acting as team leader and the Hydrant as his moral support; Doctor Know, thanks to his magical computer, was more capable, but he also frequently deserted his duties. (PROSE: Good Crieff - The Tribulations of the Scottish Division)

Behind the scenes

The design of Tetra-None Hepta-Oct was created in Spring 2013 as part of the “Fanpro” project, a Tumblr compilation of unnamed character designs that were all released as open-source. Receiving the designation #0000 (hence “Tetra-None”), the otherwise-uncontextualised one-eyed design was the subject of plentiful fan art. The Fanpro fandom principally referred to the character as “Zero”. Their gender was unclear depending on headcanons and interpretations.

Created on June 2nd, 2013 and updated until January 4th, 2015, 0000's page on the Fanpro Wiki listed a number of possible, contradictory headcanons about the character; some of them contextualised 0000 in purported shared Fanpro world where the different designs all existed as individual characters, referred diegetically by their real-world numbers for one reason or another.

On November 4th, 2014, Brandon Longstreth reposted the artwork on his DeviantArt page under the title “0000 Cyclocks” and created additional open-source characterisation for the character, which went on to inspire the character's depiction in Jenny Over-There: The Nine-Two-Five Universe, with the caveat that Callum Phillpott reverted their take on Tetra-None to a “she” whereas Longstreth's blurb used “they”.

Hepta-Oct is a Cyclock born to the House of Tetra-None. Tetra was tasked at birth with guarding their designated portion of the timestream and multiplying the Cyclock race. While they had always been a trusted guardian, upon maturity Tetra discovered they were asexual and refused to breed with their assigned mate. Tetra was judged and found guilty of breaking one of the ultimate tenets. She was sentenced to be quelled and merged as part of the timestream but was saved with help from their former mate. Tetra is currently hiding from their people in the present day on Earth.

Despite Hepta-Oct being their actual designation, they prefer to use the House name Tetra or Tetra-None.

Tetra requires oxygen only for speech as they spent long periods of time in the vacuum of the timestream during repairs. Tetra is a formidable fighter and has some vastly advanced technology that was smuggled out of the timestream. Tetras eyes and brains are specially designed to see changes made to the timestream. They can also 'read' the future before it happens.
Brandon Longstreth

External links