Old Mother Westwind

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality B-89 54-Z, Old Mother Westwind was a witch engaged in a feud with Grandmother Ginger.


Physical appearance

Westwind was an old woman with snow-white hair and intense hazel eyes. She wore a purple witch's hat. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)


Westwind was highly loyal to her brother, and prone to exacting vengeance for perceived slights, as was common for witches. She did not see herself as evil but was fatalistic about witches being perceived by the public as villainous, being momentarily confused when Jenny Everywhere did not share this bias. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

Westwind had a number of magical abilities, including summoning a white mist around her. Her associations with the west wind also went beyond her name: at times there was “something deep and ancient” in her eyes that “howled like the wind coming in from the west through the Licorice Strait”. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)


Early life

Westwind had a brother.

She introduced herself to Jenny by claiming that she “[was] known in the Candy Forest as Old Mother Westwind”, suggesting that she was not native to this area and that Westwind was not her birth name. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

Feud with Grandmother Ginger

At some point, Grandmother Ginger, a witch who lived on the edge of the Candy Forest, asked Westwind for help locating a child of hers who'd disappeared. When Westwind failed, Ginger spitefully cursed her brother's shoes, making him dance to exhaustion and wear out his favourite pair of shoes in the process. Escalating the feud, Westwind ended up chasing Ginger out of her shack and driving her into hiding deeper in the Candy Forest. She then took over Westwind's house. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)

With Jenny Everywhere

A few days into her occupation of Grandmother Ginger's shack, Westwind received a visit from interdimensional traveller Jenny Everywhere, who was looking for Ginger for her own reasons. Westwind agreed to join her in an expedition into the Candy Forest. (PROSE: The Apocryphal Journeys of Jenny Everywhere)