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Jenny Nowhere (That Feeling When Your Antagonist Is Gay For You)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

An incarnation of Jenny Nowhere existed in one universe, where she was obsessively in love with Jenny Everywhere, who did not return her feelings.


Physical appearance

Jenny Nowhere had chalk-white skin and short black hair. Her eyes were peculiar, with the shape or presence of her pupils seemingly altering from day to day based on her mood. (COMIC: Death of Jenny Everywhere's Toaster, Earthworm Jim And Psy-Crow Cosplay By Jenny Everywhere And Jenny Nowhere, etc.)

She went barefoot and wore a black sleeveless shirt and shorts, as well as a flowing black scarf and dark gray goggles of her own. She had a skull-shaped hair clip, a large white skull print on the front of her T-shirt, and skull-shaped badges (matching her Jenny Everywhere's flower badges) on her T-shirt, scarf, and shorts. (COMIC: That Feeling When Your Antagonist Is Gay For You, Death of Jenny Everywhere's Toaster, etc.)


Declaring herself

When she first declared to Everywhere that though her powers “may give [her] the ability to run wherever and whenever”, “the one thing [which she couldn't] outrun” was Nowhere's love, Everywhere was baffled at this statement, although it was far from obvious that she did not reciprocate. (COMIC: That Feeling When Your Antagonist Is Gay For You) The two cautiously started dating, and became embroiled in an adventure together. At one point, Everywhere told Nowhere that they could get through “this” so long as Nowhere “didn't do anything”. Nowhere claimed she wasn't going to do anything, but blatantly appeared to be considering literally stabbing Everywhere in the back. (COMIC: Jenny Nowhere Dooming Herself To Be With Her Enemy.)

Growing enmity with Everywhere

At some point, this Nowhere used a mysterious machine to trap Jenny Everywhere in a universe where she couldn't use any of her shifting powers, or even remember anything about the other universes she'd visited in the past, though she did recall the existence of such universes. Also trapped were versions of Everywhere's parents from another universe, and the incarnations of Jimmy Wherever, Jenny Anywhere, Jenny Somewhere and Jimmy Anytime that these Jennies were familiar with.

After figuring out what had happened, Jenny was confronted by Nowhere, who once more tried to get her to "confess" that she loved Nowhere back. With Jenny refusing and all of her friends standing with her against Nowhere, the villainess admitted defeat and switched off the machine that cancelled the shifters' abilities, allowing them all to move on to new adventures. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Very Normal Story)

At some later point, Nowhere surprised Everywhere by trying to cover her bleached-white skin with make-up to look more like Everywhere. (COMIC: Jenny Nowhere Wearing Makeup To Look Like Jenny Everywhere) When Everywhere cosplayed as Earthworm Jim, Nowhere dressed up as Jim's nemesis Psy-Crow, with whom Jim was sometimes shipped; Everywhere was unimpressed and, staying in-character, told Nowhere to “eat dirt”. To her surprise, Nowhere seemed prepared to comply. (COMIC: Earthworm Jim And Psy-Crow Cosplay By Jenny Everywhere And Jenny Nowhere)

The Jimmy plot

After discovering that all the Jimmy Anytimes and Jimmy Wherevers in the Multiverse had somehow lost their interdimensional connection, Everywhere and Anywhere came to the conclusion that this must be Nowhere's doing, with Nowhere having somehow turned Anytime's time-travel powers against him to cancel out the two Jimmies' existence (as interdimensional beings) altogether. Jenny Everywhere shifted herself and Anywhere to Nowhere's current location, where they discovered that she had managed to abduct the “original” Wherever and Anytime and regressed them to before Anytime realised he was not Jimmy Wherever. Anywhere managed to liberate them, however, and, after one of the two Jimmies attacked the other (outing himself as Anytime), she grabbed onto him and triggered his own time-travel powers to bring him and Wherever back in time to where they'd been taken from, fixing the timeline. Everywhere was left pondering what lengths Nowhere might go to next. (PROSE: Wherever at Anytime)

Further schemes

Nowhere hiding Everywhere's toaster behind her back. (COMIC: Death of Jenny Everywhere's Toaster)

Jenny Nowhere once wrote a “fanfic” about herself and Everywhere. In it, Nowhere lost her memories after being hit on the head with a mysterious glowing rock in the middle of a fight with Everywhere. Everywhere decided not to tell the amnesiac Nowhere that they were enemies, instead claiming that they were friends, and the two soon began kissing. (PROSE: Jenny Nowho?)

Everywhere's toaster was once “kidnapped” by Nowhere, who threatened to destroy the toaster by dropping it from a great height unless Everywhere complied with Nowhere's demands. When Jenny called her bluff, Nowhere went through with it, to Jenny's horror. (COMIC: Death of Jenny Everywhere's Toaster)

The Nowhere Spiral

On one occasion, Jenny Everywhere apparently sent Nowhere to Hell. However, she returned, surprising Jenny as the Shifter was “frolicking through a field of alien flowers” in one universe. They got to fighting, but after getting caught off-guard by her rival first punch, Nowhere started to spiral increasingly out of control as she loudly insisted that she wasn't getting weaker, only to keep taking hit after hit without putting up any effective defence.

A little while later, after a victorious Jenny has rejoined her friends — including versions of Jimmy Wherever, Michael Wherever and Kim — Nowhere walked up to her again, demanding a rematch and insisting she wouldn't lose so easily this time. However, in the face of Everywhere and her friends' casual skepticism about her ability to ever win against the other Everywhere, Nowhere went to pieces again, collapsing to the ground (and losing her skirt) from a single kick.

While a victorious Everywhere kissed Wherever and the friend group shifted to another universe to celebrate, Nowhere gathered her wits and hit upon the idea of allying with Jenny's ex Laura, who, having watched the fight from a distance, soon walked up to Nowhere to propose the same idea. The two of them travelled to Laura's laboratory, with Nowhere admiring what Laura had done with the place. Everywhere submitted surprisingly easily to Nowhere on their third encounter, and Nowhere brought her to Laura's lab as agreed. There, a disagreement soon broke out between the two villains when Nowhere made it clear that she'd want Jenny all to herself; Laura pulled out a steampunk gun she'd recently invented, but Jenny Everywhere kicked the gun, breaking it, before Laura could actually use it, revealing in the process that she had never been incapacitated and was just playing along to figure out what Nowhere was up to. They had yet another fight, with Jenny easily incapacitating both Laura and Nowhere. When Nowhere broke down crying, however, Everywhere helped her up, hugging her and comforting her; they even briefly kissed before Everywhere pulled away and skipped off, daring Nowhere to chase her.

Nowhere soon caught up to Everywhere and, in victorious glee, demanded that the other shifter agree to love her and only her. Jenny called her out on starting to sound evil and domineering again; at this point, Laura caught up with the two Jennies and, agreeing with Everywhere's judgment, pointed her repaired steampunk gun at Nowhere. Imitating Everywhere's earlier trick, Nowhere pretended to submit to Laura only to suddenly start struggling again, destroying the gun a second time. As Nowhere shouted at Laura in anger, however, Laura noticed that Nowhere's eyes had changed, becoming spirals. Nowhere's bravado gave out and she started to panic, asking Everywhere with feverish obsession if Everywhere would love her if Nowhere agreed to give up her evil ways. Though she didn't mean to harm Everywhere, her shaking Everywhere by the shoulders caused the other girl to hit her head against a rock and she fell unconscious.

Initially unsure of what to do, Nowhere dragged the unconscious Everywhere back to her home, and ultimately decided to take this opportunity to set up a date between them, tying Everywhere to a chair in her dining room and laying toast and tea on the table. After Everywhere explained that she could only love Nowhere if Nowhere renounced her evil ways, and demanded that Nowhere prove it by letting her go, Nowhere complied, untying Jenny, only for her to immediately shift away, telling Nowhere that she still didn't trust her.

After flipping the table, Nowhere followed Everywhere to the other universe, where, as they found themselves in the Naked Jungle, their powers adapted them both to their surroundings by making their clothes vanish, leaving them in their respective patterned underwear. After Everywhere tripped and hit her head again, Nowhere helped her up, but then demanded that they return to Nowhere's house to finish their “date”, once again dashing any illusion Everywhere might have developed that Nowhere was undergoing personal growth.

Nowhere shifted Everywhere back to her house and laid her out on the bed. With them both still in their underwear, she began to make out with Everywhere, but the other shifter shoved her off and tells her in no uncertain terms that her behaviour was only proving further that her “love” in no way made her a better person. She grabbed one of Nowhere's skirt and put it on before shifting away. Nowhere tried to follow her, though she realised that she forgot to get dressed again and had to waste time going back to her house again to grab another skirt.

As they chased each other shifting too fast and too clumsily, they “clipped through reality” and found themselves in the Backrooms, a “pocket reality between universes” where they were immediately menaced by a shadow-monster. They attempted to shift away together but only ended up on another level of the Backrooms, themed like a hospital corridor and teeming with yet more monsters. However, after another shift that took the two of them to a paradoxical space that is simultaneously indoors and outdoors, Everywhere managed to shift herself and Nowhere to the safety of an ordinary crowded street in an actual universe. There, they seemingly agreed to call it a day and part ways peacefully.

Some time later, however, Nowhere had returned to stalking Everywhere. She took refuge in the Strange and Wonderful House where she was pursued by Nowhere whose eyes had once more turned into spirals. Everywhere tried to hide in a dark room, and, when Nowhere found her anyway, hit her over the head with a lamp before running out of the House. Still being chased by Nowhere, Jenny ran into the Infinite, with Nowhere hot her heels. She explained to her other selves that Nowhere had been chasing her for days and she was desperate to get some rest. A magician Jenny suggested a classic switcheroo, proposing that a number of Jennies from the Infinite take turns being chased by the focus Jenny's Nowhere. She volunteered to go first.

While the chased Jenny collapsed to the floor of the Infinite right there and then, falling asleep almost instantly, another Jenny who's been holding off Nowhere allowed her to fully enter the Infinite. The magician Jenny played around with Nowhere for a while, playing magical tricks on her, before “handing her over” to Bunny Jenny, and on and on. Nowhere, surrounded by Everywheres running literal rings around her, seemed to finally lose her mind completely to the “Nowhere Spiral”, her rational mind entirely consumed by her self-contradictory obsession with Jenny Everywhere. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Nowhere Spiral)