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Because her native universe's planet Venus was an inhabited world which deserved its association with the goddess of love, Juliet-178 was puzzled upon discovering that in the 97th Cosmos, Venus was an uninhabited, arid planet whose surface temperatures were extremely hot and whose atmosphere was unbreathable. This prompted her to joke that it “looked more like a Vulcan”, referencing the deity more commonly associated with such environments. (PROSE: The Resurrection of the Wellsians)

Behind the scenes

It is not clear in The Resurrection of the Wellsians that Juliet-178 is familiar with any planet of that name, as opposed to simply making a joking hypothetical based on the deity. However, a similarly-inhospitable planet named Vulcan was shown to exist in the Doctor Who universe in multiple stories. It notably served as the setting of 1966's The Power of the Daleks, a story whose plot had many clear similarities with The Resurrection of the Wellsians. Additionally, a harsh desert planet called Vulcan, though with a different astronomical placement, debuted the same year in Star Trek as the initially-offscreen home planet of Mr Spock. Juliet's statement about Venus looking like “a Vulcan” may then also reflect her knowledge of these, and perhaps even more, planets called “Vulcan” across the Multiverse, all gravitating towards the harsh, hot environments.