Universe (A Lost Holmes Manuscript Discovered: The Cosmology of Sherlock Holmes)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Arcbeatle Press discovered an unpublished Arthur Conan Doyle manuscript for a short story collection entitled The Cosmology of Sherlock Holmes, and ended up publishing it.

Callum Phillpott was baffled, just after finishing a Jenny Over-There story called Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There, to discover that the other half of a brief exchange between Jenny Over-There and John Watson in the story was reflected in Dark Dealings, one of the stories in the book. Even odder, that story explicitly featured the Man in Grey. Phillpott's grasp on reality slipped further as the writer realised that the Man in Grey had also appeared without their knowledge in the song Man at C&A by the “English 2-Tone revival band The Specials”, driving Phillpott to wonder if, among other things, this was “a situation similar to the classic Morely Roberts story The Anticipator”. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: The Birthday Toaster: Notes)