The Serpent Sorceress (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
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The Serpent Sorceress was the first comic story in the Kaza’s Mate, Gwenna webcomic, written and drawn by Jay Epps. Like the first few stories in the series, despite the characters' nudist lifestyle, it contained no actual adult content, with framing being used to avoid any depiction of NSFW imagery with the exception of page 12 which Gwenna's nipples were revealed. This gimmick would eventually be abandoned starting with The Danger, The Diamond, and the Dowager.



Commissioner Smedley emails Kaza and Gwenna that Nerlana, daughter of Kaza's old foe the Serpent Priest, has been seen in the area. They resolve to investigate — but already, Nerlana, who is scheming with an other old enemy of Kaza's called Mitchell, has revivled the Serpent Cult and penetrated the old serpent temple. They are waiting for Kaza when he arrives; revealing that Kaza was wrong to think the old Serpent Priest a mere conman with no magical powers, Nerlana uses his hypnotic circlet to command snakes to swarm upon him and capture him.

Meanwhile, Gwenna has met up with Smedley and Wimberly. They go to the Natari village for allies; at first they find it eerily empty, and, when the Natari show themselves, they reveal that the Serpent Cult has made its resurgence known, and is holding a large gathering at the Temple that very night.

By nightfall everyone is at the Temple, where Nerlana summons the Cult's god, Nerkash, the “Serpent Lord” — which turns out to be very real, albeit as a giant snake of dubious intelligence who follows the circlet-wearer's commands, rather than the deity the Cult sees it as. Its lack of godhood is exposed when Wimberly shoots it in the eye; its titanic flailings soon cause the cultists to scatter. Gwenna calls for Nerlana to surrender, but before she can decide one way or the other, the Priestess finds herself swallowed by Nerkash, having lost her psychic leash on him.

With the cultists have run off and are expected to be little trouble in the future, the day is saved — and, luckily enouhg, Smedley knows a herpetologist who can re-home interesting snake specimens. Wimberly’s effective wins him acclaim among the Natari, with Gana introducing the bashful young man to three women who wish to get to know him better — particularly as the depopulation of the tribe's men by the Cult's original reign of terror ten years ago has left would-be mothers with a dearth of possible fathers, even without asking for any commitment.





Behind the scenes


The titular Sorceress's name is inconsistently spelled throughout the story: it is given as “Narlana” on Page 2 and Page 3, but as “Nerlana” on Page 4, Page 5, Page 11 and Page 12.

Read online

The story can be read on the Kaza's Mate, Gwenna website starting here.