The Hood

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In one universe, Kanza, better known as the Hood, was the malevolent Martian aunt of the half-Earthian Jane 6em35, the “Magician from Mars”. She was herself a powerful user of magic; she wished to take over the universe and, seeing her superpowered niece as a threat, sought to suppress her powers as she grew up. After Jane ran away to Earth to become a superhero, Kanza, under the alias of “the Hood”, pivoted to trying to assassinate her outright.


Physical appearance

Kanza was a heavy-set old woman with a lined face, strong eyebrows, dark eyes and an aquiline nose. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…, War!) Her hair was white and wavy, like her niece's, but she kept it somewhat shorter than Jane did. (COMIC: War!) During her time living in the Martian countryside with a young Jane 6em35, Kanza wore simple green robes with a cowl covering her hair, which seemed stringy and unkempt. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…)


Love for blood relatives was not expected as a given in Martian culture and Kanza was no exception, seeing her niece Jane as a responsibility but having no apparent personal affection for the girl. Kanza was a Martian traditionalist; she disliked Earth and wished to raise Jane as a pure Martian, forbidding her from visiting Earth, despite her half-human parentage. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…)

Powers & abilities

to be added


Raising Jane

Kanza forbids her ward from visiting Earth. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…)

After the death of her brother Jarl 6em65 and his human wife Jane Faro, Kanza became the guardian of their hybrid daughter, Jane 6em35. Kanza was aware of Jane's unusual powers (derived in part from her hybrid nature and in part from her accidental exposure to the rays of a cathode tube as an infant), but tried to forbid the girl from using them, claiming she should only use them once she was an adult.

By the time she was 16, Jane was giving serious thought to running away to Earth, where Kanza also forbade her to go, wanting to raise her as a Martian only. Jane loved Kanza despite everything, and was blind to her obvious wickedness; however, when Kanza, foreseeing Jane's escape, tried to lock her into a windowless supersteel room, she found the resolve to escape, using her powers to tear through the wall and run across the countryside to the nearest spaceport, where she boarded a Mars-Earth space-liner. (COMIC: Magician From Mars…)

Behind the scenes

External Links