The Early Bird

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One of the three prophetic birds kept in a cage by the Collective of the Retconning Crocodiles was an Early-Bird known as simply the Early Bird.

When the Crocodiles uncovered the cage to hear the prophecy of the Metafictional Macaw in December 2019, the Early Bird squawked something about “hatred” and “three eyes” which the Crocodiles dismissed as too far off to be relevant, (PROSE: The Frost King's Treasure) seemingly foreshadowing Gorbazaglaz's revelation of his third eye when he fed off the hatred in Conquest-932's heart, a few years later. (PROSE: The End of the Homeworld)

Behind the scenes

“The early bird catches the worm” is a common proverb, in comedic reference to which it is somewhat common to refer to anyone showing up unduly early for something as “an early bird”. Also in apparent reference to the saying, the term “Early-Bird Cameo” is used in Internet parlance to refer to a major element of a story or series making a cameo appearance early on, at a time when its significance is not yet clear to the audience.