

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
An image posted to Twitter by Popeye, depicting Popeye driving a car with a roasted turkey on its roof. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere's Twitter)

Thanksgiving was a yearly celebration in the United States of America.

It typically involved eating a turkey for dinner. In the Prime Universe, the First Horde's leaders put Professor Scarper in charge of procuring turkeys for them for their Thanksgiving dinner on November 28th, 1959. After Scarper forgot to do so until the day itself, he genetically engineered three turkeys by extrapolating DNA from an old feather, using the same techniques as when he had created his armies of mutated animals; this accidentally led to the turkeys developing sapience and escaping containment.

The Trio of the Talking Turkeys would subsequently spend decades living in the shadows of the Prime Universe, throwing themselves into a tizzy every Thanksgiving at the thought of being eaten — never seeming to realise that their status as talking, mutant turkeys would likely dissuade anyone who so much as caught them from going any further. The Turkeys first met the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids on Thanksgiving Day in 2013, when they briefly stowed away to the Cupid Homeworld in Larrikin-1029's Fog Ship with the aim of using it as a safe hideout until the day had passed. (PROSE: The Trio of the Talking Turkeys)

Shortly after her return from her six-months absence, the Jenny Everywhere of the Infinity Apartment took a group picture with her friends from the Infinity Apartment on the occasion of Thanksgiving. (COMIC: Infinity Apartment)

In one universe, Popeye once posted an image to Twitter depicting himself driving a car with a turkey strapped to its roof, captioned "Blow me down! Looks like we're deliverin' the main course in style! Arf! Arf! Arf! Happy Thanksgivin' to all ye! #popeye #thanksgiving". Jenny Everywhere replied to this post, simply stating "Hi Popeye". (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere's Twitter)