
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Taskmaster-523 was the head of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' Department of Assignments, meaning he was tasked “with the job of deciding which Cupids would go on which assignments, who would be partnered with who, and which dimensions would be on the day's roster”. He undertook this work with a complete lack of care for which Cupids got along with which other Cupids, and preferred to spend his time reading comics in his office than to put much effort into thinking up missions.

On one occasion, Taskmaster off-handedly assigned Larrikin-1029 and Pessimist-242 on a mission together. When they got the news, the two, each indignant at the idea of having to share the other's company, stormed into the Department of Assignments' HQ and then into Taskmaster's office, where they found him busily reading a comic book about cartoon waterfowl, which he'd “picked up from one of the Prime-adjacent universes”. However, they were unable to intimidate or cajole the Prefect into changing their assignment, and ended up having to go on the mission. (PROSE: The Toymaker's Labyrinth)

Being a Prefect, he had the right to attend Cupid Parliament sections. He was present for the ninth day of debate about Stenographer-123's typewriter, on the day of the faceless magician incident. He was the first to realise that Foreman-964 had snuck into the building despite being banned, and loudly suggested that perhaps the task should be assigned to the Department of Construction to smoke him out. This succeeded a little too well, with Foreman tackling Taskmaster to the ground as he leapt out from under the desk. However, the fight was soon broken up by the onslaught of magic rabbits, which left Taskmaster buried under the mass. (PROSE: Magic Trick)