Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014 (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014 was an interlude in Paul Hoppe's webcomic The Cosmic Beholder, constituting its involvement in the Halloween Cameo Caper 2014 webcomic crossover event. It featured Jenny Everywhere as part of the Odds. As per the spirit of the crossover, it also included cameo appearances by characters from multiple other webcomics participating in the event, the conceit being that each webcomic's Kokotomo story was taking place in the same place as, and simultaneously with, all the others.



The Odds (Armstrong Fatbuckle, the Blue Knight, Centennia, Merv the Griffin, Jenny Everywhere and Captain Evening) arrive on the magical island of Kokotomo by plane. They are welcomed by the mysterious Mr Montibar before spreading out as the magic of the Island allows their dreams to come true: thus does Armstrong dance and party with a pair of Valkyries while the Griffin fights zombies and the Blue Knight enjoys a lifelike medieval court brought back to life. Jenny, Armstrong and Centennia, however, choose to merely relax on the beach, where they soon cross paths with Abúi, Aggie and Scale, old friends of Jenny's (who relates how she met them while they were being threatened by a Globtroll in Dimension Y). Eventually, most of the Odds decide they “have to go back to saving the world” and leave on the same plane that brought them — but realise after take-off that Jenny and Centennia have stayed behind!


Jenny Everywhere




Behind the scenes

Read online

Tales To Behold Halloween Cameo Caper 2014 is available online on the Cosmic Beholder blog.