Question Duck O59 (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Strip #059 of the webcomic Question Duck, created by Psudonym, featured an appearance by Jenny Everywhere.



At a flee market, a human buys Question Duck a tiny scarf in a stall full of scarves, where Jenny Everywhere has also found something to suit her needs. Though looking happy with its new garment, the fowl blurts out a bizarre logic puzzle about oval rooms.



  • This story features a rather standard-looking incarnation of Jenny, a short-haired Asian young woman wearing a scarf and goggles. She is carrying a satchel covered with stamps, and, despite already wearing a scarf, is in the process of purchasing a new one.


Behind the scenes


This strip was part of the webcomic Question Duck. Every Question Duck followed the same format of the author's in-universe counterparts and their pet duck enjoying some pleasant slice-of-life activity until the duck blurted out a question as unrelated to its surroundings as humanly feasible.

When reposting the story on Twitter on August the 31st, 2021, author Psudonym looked back on its creation:

A star sticker for anyone who can name this cameo.
I believe this location is based on this flea market I used to pass by in Hell's Kitchen. Today's actual Hell's Kitchen isn't the Hell's Kitchen of Marvel Daredevil's time. It's all like... upscale brunch restaurants now.

Read online

These two strips were originally released on the Question Duck Smackjeeves website, which is now offline. However, the strip was backed up on Internet Archive. Additionally, the author reposted the strip, alongside the entirety of Question Duck's archive, on Twitter in 2021.