
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Penalty-534 was a Mark VI Clockwork Cherub of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, the Prefect of its Department of Discipline.

Penalty reprimanded Acquaintanceship-982 when he returned from his assignment of a hundred romanticisations in the Land of Oz with only four romanticisations done, and without his Fog Ship, bow or arrows; all of them had actually gained sentience during an incident in Oz, and elected to stay behind of their own accord, but Acquaintanceship felt it best not to elaborate. After his tirade, Penalty sentenced Acquaintanceship to another mission to an even more confusing place than Oz: Wonderland. (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids in Oz)

On the day of the faceless magician incident, the Cupid Parliament had been engaged for nine days in a protracted debate about whose responsibility it was to replace the ink in Stenographer-123's typewriter when it ran out. Bibliophile-962 argued that it was up to the Department of Discipline given that Stenographer typed up the logs of the Department of Discipline's hearings, to the outrage of Penalty-534, who threatened to assign Bibliophile to punitive romanticisation mission of “a thousand souls somewhere”. He also angrily reported that he had gotten lost in the stamp wing of the Cupid Post Office the previous day while trying to pick up his mail, for which reason he had “decided to sentence [[[Philatel-426]]] to four years in jail as punishment” (this even though the Cupids did not have a jail). Just as the argument was about to descend into sheer fisticuffs, with Amity-965 throwing a desk at Penalty, it finally ended when the destruction of the typewriter itself by the magic rabbits rendered it moot. (PROSE: Magic Trick)